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Eww configuration

This configuration aims to provide a shell replacement for compositors/window managers. Features constantly get added and existing ones get improved.

🗃️ Components

The same daemon runs multiple windows which interact with each other:



music window




system info



Home Manager

If you use Home Manager, installing is as simple as adding my flake to your inputs, passing inputs to extraSpecialArgs and importing the relevant module:

{inputs, pkgs, ...}: {
  imports = [inputs.fufexan.homeManagerModules.eww-hyprland];

  programs.eww-hyprland = {
    enable = true;

    # default package
    package = pkgs.eww-wayland;

    # if you want to change colors
    colors = builtins.readFile ./latte.scss;

    # set to true to reload on change
    autoReload = false; 

Make sure to also add the fonts listed below. You can simply search where they are in my config.

Other distros

To quickly install this config, grab all the files in this directory and put them in ~/.config/eww. Then run eww daemon and eww open bar. Enjoy!


  • Icon fonts: Material Symbols Outlined (any variation can be used as long as you change the font-family property of .icon)
  • Text font: Product Sans
  • Script deps: everything in default.nix's dependencies list.

🎨 Theme

The theme colors can be changed in css/_colors.scss. Currently the theme used is Catppuccin Mocha.