Add gnome-keyring as libsecret backend, swap git-credential-helper and mbsync to using libsecret/secret-tool. Add helper script to check for and request mbsync passwords if missing. Add GNOME Seahorse for viewing passwords graphically. Remove email/work.nix and merge back into default.nix Don't auto start protonmail-bridge, use the GUI instead so it doesn't need to unlock all my keychains immediately Move 3D modelling software to Vanguard only, instead of all personal devices. Move waybar back to top of screen and adjust all corner radii to 5px from 10px Re-enable swayfx blur_ignore_transparent now that it's added to nixpkgs, re-enable shadows
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My personal NixOS + home-manager configuration files.
To set up without cloning the repository (assuming an already running NixOS system), run:
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake "git+"\#$(hostname)
Password store setup
Email setup
Passwords for mbsync
, and query for missing passwords.
Static app-specific passwords are stored in password-store
, fetch from
there to add to secret service.
On first run (or if token expires), stop systemd service and run manually to complete manual auth. Token will stay valid for a little while (no idea how long specifically).
# Restart service to ensure ~/ exists
systemctl --user restart davmail.service
# Run to use manual authentication
systemctl --user stop davmail.service && davmail -notray ~/
# Restart again so that service picks up available ports
systemctl --user restart davmail.service
Flathub setup
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub