Evie Litherland-Smith 3ab21edc2c Restore old waybar style using stylix to set color
Stylix sets color and font for waybar, custom config imports and uses
Update style with more consistent size, new look to the top and
transparency (with blur of course)

Slightly reduce gaps across whole UI to make better use of space without
compromising looks

Add TODO to restyle swaync using new method at some point...
2023-10-17 08:15:52 +01:00

68 lines
2.3 KiB
Org Mode

#+title: README
* Tasks
** TODO Re-write Hyprland config
Convert from linked text file to proper nix expression (using home-manager)
** TODO Update swaync style to match hyprland/waybar/etc...
* Password store setup
** Transfer GPG key(s)
#+begin_src bash
# Export key on existing machine
gpg --export-secret-keys > key.gpg
# Import key on new machine
gpg --import key.gpg
# Edit (for each key) to set trust
gpg --edit-key ...
** Clone password-store repository
#+begin_src bash
* Email setup
** Proton
*** Bridge
Docker source: [[][Docker]] / [[][GitHub - shenxn/protonmail-bridge-docker: ProtonMail IMAP/SMTP Bridge Docker ...]]
To initialise:
#+begin_src bash
podman kill protonmail-bridge && \
podman run --rm -it -v protonmail:/root shenxn/protonmail-bridge init && \
podman kill protonmail-bridge
and follow normal login system for cli.
systemd unit handles running container on boot after this.
**** uidvalidity issue
Remove uid lines from .mbsyncrc (in each mail directory) and delete .uidvalidity, re-run mbsync to fix
*** Password
Get password from protonmail-bridge, register with gnome-keyring:
#+begin_src bash
secret-tool store --label="Proton mail mbsync" email
** iCloud
*** Password
Register app-password with gnome-keyring:
#+begin_src bash
secret-tool store --label="iCloud mail mbsync" email
** Outlook
*** Password
Register app-password with gnome-keyring:
#+begin_src bash
secret-tool store --label="Outlook mail mbsync" email
*** Configuration
On first run (or if token expires), stop systemd service and run manually to complete manual auth. Token will stay valid for a little while (no idea how long specifically).
#+begin_src bash
# Restart service to ensure ~/ exists
systemctl --user restart davmail.service
# Run to use manual authentication
pkill davmail && \
davmail -notray ~/ && \
pkill davmail
* Vdirsyncer
** Password
Register app-password with gnome-keyring;
#+begin_src bash
secret-tool store --label="NextCloud" url