
51 lines
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Org Mode

#+title: README
* [0/1] Tasks
** TODO Re-write Hyprland config
Convert from linked text file to proper nix expression (using home-manager)
* Email setup
** Proton
*** Bridge
Docker source: [[][Docker]] / [[][GitHub - shenxn/protonmail-bridge-docker: ProtonMail IMAP/SMTP Bridge Docker ...]]
To initialise:
#+begin_src bash
# Stop systemd service if already running
systemctl --user stop protonmail-bridge.service
# Log in to protonmail-bridge --cli
podman run --rm -it -v protonmail:/root shenxn/protonmail-bridge init
and follow normal login system for cli.
systemd unit handles running container on boot after this.
*** Password
Get password from protonmail-bridge, register with gnome-keyring:
#+begin_src bash
secret-tool store --label="Proton mail mbsync" email
# Start service if stopped earlier
systemctl --user start protonmail-bridge.service
** iCloud
*** Password
Register app-password with gnome-keyring:
#+begin_src bash
secret-tool store --label="iCloud mail mbsync" email
*** Password
Register app-password with gnome-keyring:
#+begin_src bash
secret-tool store --label="UKAEA mail mbsync" email
*** Configuration
Example needs copying to home directory, make rule can handle this.
Will need to restart systemd service after copying to pick up new settings
#+begin_src bash
systemctl --user restart davmail.service
* Vdirsyncer
** Password
Register app-password with gnome-keyring;
#+begin_src bash
secret-tool store --label="NextCloud" url