Edward Litherland-Smith 5614060b0a Add vim surround pluging
Remove configure_options as moving to neovim
Tweak vimrc for neovim compatability
Add neovim setup details to README
2022-04-28 10:00:56 +01:00

31 lines
862 B

# Vim config
Personal configuration and plugins for Vim
## Installing neovim AppImage
curl -LO
chmod u+x nvim.appimage
mv nvim.appimage "$HOME/bin/."
# ./nvim.appimage
### To use with existing `~/.vimrc`
Add the following lines to neovim init file:
> set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
> let &packpath = &runtimepath
> source ~/.vimrc
Using the following commands:
> :call mkdir(stdpath('config'), 'p')
> :exe 'edit '.stdpath('config').'/init.vim'
From [vim documentation](
### Enabling python support
Install `pynvim` package for python
## Miscellaneous settings
- Modifications in `pack/plugins/start/python-syntax`
- Edit `.git/modules/pack/plugins/start/python-syntax/info/exclude` to exclude `doc`