Diary file just calls sexp org-diary Move calendar config from org-mode.org -> agenda.org Don't mark diary entries in calendar by default, slow startup now with org-agenda included Don't add config files to refile targets either
26 lines
833 B
Org Mode
26 lines
833 B
Org Mode
#+title: Agenda config
#+author: Evie Litherland-Smith
#+email: evie@xenia.me.uk
#+language: en
#+filetags: :emacs:config:org:
#+property: header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle yes :mkdirp yes :results output silent
* Calendar
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(customize-set-variable 'calendar-date-style 'iso)
(customize-set-variable 'calendar-mark-holidays-flag t)
(customize-set-variable 'calendar-mark-diary-entries-flag nil)
* Appointment reminders
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq appt-display-diary nil ; Don't display diary on startup
appt-display-format 'echo
appt-display-interval 5
appt-message-warning-time 15)
(appt-activate +1)
** org-agenda integration
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(with-eval-after-load 'org
(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook #'org-agenda-to-appt))