Stop using :ensure and manage installed package properly so that extra packages can be easily tested and removed. Majority use case is on NixOS anywhere where Emacs is only configuring - not installing - the packages Also stop using :diminish because I don't need it with doom-modeline anyway...
1.4 KiB
1.4 KiB
Window Management Config
(setq split-height-threshold nil
split-width-threshold 160)
(use-package windmove
:config (windmove-mode +1)
:bind (("C-c w k" . windmove-up)
("C-c w C-k" . windmove-display-up)
("C-c w K" . windmove-swap-states-up)
("C-c w j" . windmove-down)
("C-c w C-j" . windmove-display-down)
("C-c w J" . windmove-swap-states-down)
("C-c w h" . windmove-left)
("C-c w C-h" . windmove-display-left)
("C-c w H" . windmove-swap-states-left)
("C-c w l" . windmove-right)
("C-c w C-l" . windmove-display-right)
("C-c w L" . windmove-swap-states-right)))
(use-package winner
:bind (("C-c w u" . winner-undo)
("C-c w r" . winner-redo))
(use-package ediff
:bind (("C-c d f" . ediff-files)
("C-c d b" . ediff-buffers)
("C-c d 3 f" . ediff-files3)
("C-c d 3 b" . ediff-buffers3))
(ediff-window-setup-function #'ediff-setup-windows-plain))