Copy elfeed config to newsticker for now but start configuring emacs built-in newsticker to test as replacement (since elfeed looks like it might be abandonware now...)
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Newsticker Config
(use-package newsticker
:ensure t
(newsticker-url-list-defaults '(("Emacs Wiki" "" nil 3600)
("LWN (Linux Weekly News)" "")
("Quote of the day" "" "07:00" 86400)
("The Register" "")
("slashdot" "" nil 3600)
("Wired News" "")))
(newsticker-url-list '(("Proton Blog" "" nil nil nil)
("The Friday Chillout" "" nil nil nil)
("SystemCrafters News" "" nil nil nil)
("Atlas NYXT News" "" nil nil nil)
("LiberaChat" "" nil nil nil)
("This week in Rust" "" nil nil nil)
("Forgejo Feed" "" nil nil nil))))
(use-package elfeed
:bind (("C-c f f" . elfeed)
("C-c f u" . elfeed-update))
:hook (elfeed-search-mode . elfeed-update)
(elfeed-search-filter "@2-weeks-ago +unread")
(require 'elfeed-org)
(require 'elfeed-tube)
(require 'elfeed-tube-mpv))
Manage elfeed subscriptions in an org-mode file instead of elisp.
(use-package elfeed-org
:ensure t
:after (elfeed org)
(rmh-elfeed-org-files (list (expand-file-name "" org-directory)))
Use elfeed for YouTube subscriptions, including getting video transcripts.
(use-package elfeed-tube
:ensure t
:after elfeed
(setq elfeed-tube-auto-save-p nil)
(setq elfeed-tube-auto-fetch-p t)
:bind ( :map elfeed-show-mode-map
("F" . elfeed-tube-fetch)
([remap save-buffer] . elfeed-tube-save)
:map elfeed-search-mode-map
("F" . elfeed-tube-fetch)
([remap save-buffer] . elfeed-tube-save)))
(use-package elfeed-tube-mpv
:ensure t
:after elfeed-tube
:init (require 'mpv)
:bind ( :map elfeed-show-mode-map
("C-c C-f" . elfeed-tube-mpv-follow-mode)
("C-c C-w" . elfeed-tube-mpv-where)))