Evie Litherland-Smith 8be5da1fbc Add edgy with recommended config, adjust some plugins to work with it
Neotree is back on the side for edgy support
ToggleTerm back to horizontal rather than tab
2023-06-06 15:34:30 +01:00

56 lines
1.9 KiB

return {
event = "VeryLazy",
opts = {
bottom = {
-- toggleterm / lazyterm at the bottom with a height of 40% of the screen
{ ft = "toggleterm", size = { height = 0.4 } },
ft = "lazyterm",
title = "LazyTerm",
size = { height = 0.4 },
filter = function(buf) return not vim.b[buf].lazyterm_cmd end,
{ ft = "qf", title = "QuickFix" },
ft = "help",
size = { height = 20 },
-- only show help buffers
filter = function(buf) return vim.bo[buf].buftype == "help" end,
{ ft = "spectre_panel", size = { height = 0.4 } },
left = {
-- Neo-tree filesystem always takes half the screen height
title = "Neo-Tree",
ft = "neo-tree",
filter = function(buf) return vim.b[buf].neo_tree_source == "filesystem" end,
size = { height = 0.5 },
title = "Neo-Tree Git",
ft = "neo-tree",
filter = function(buf) return vim.b[buf].neo_tree_source == "git_status" end,
pinned = true,
open = "Neotree position=right git_status",
title = "Neo-Tree Buffers",
ft = "neo-tree",
filter = function(buf) return vim.b[buf].neo_tree_source == "buffers" end,
pinned = true,
open = "Neotree position=top buffers",
ft = "Outline",
pinned = true,
open = "SymbolsOutline",
-- any other neo-tree windows