return { "folke/edgy.nvim", event = "VeryLazy", opts = { bottom = { -- toggleterm / lazyterm at the bottom with a height of 40% of the screen { ft = "toggleterm", size = { height = 0.4 } }, { ft = "lazyterm", title = "LazyTerm", size = { height = 0.4 }, filter = function(buf) return not vim.b[buf].lazyterm_cmd end, }, "Trouble", { ft = "qf", title = "QuickFix" }, { ft = "help", size = { height = 20 }, -- only show help buffers filter = function(buf) return[buf].buftype == "help" end, }, { ft = "spectre_panel", size = { height = 0.4 } }, }, left = { -- Neo-tree filesystem always takes half the screen height { title = "Neo-Tree", ft = "neo-tree", filter = function(buf) return vim.b[buf].neo_tree_source == "filesystem" end, size = { height = 0.5 }, }, { title = "Neo-Tree Git", ft = "neo-tree", filter = function(buf) return vim.b[buf].neo_tree_source == "git_status" end, pinned = true, open = "Neotree position=right git_status", }, { title = "Neo-Tree Buffers", ft = "neo-tree", filter = function(buf) return vim.b[buf].neo_tree_source == "buffers" end, pinned = true, open = "Neotree position=top buffers", }, { ft = "Outline", pinned = true, open = "SymbolsOutline", }, -- any other neo-tree windows "neo-tree", }, }, }