Added most config, at least enough to get by for now Update waybar config to remove hyprland-specific things Misc updates to rofi, swaylock Set greetd to start sway on machines by default now
142 lines
3.5 KiB
142 lines
3.5 KiB
accentColour ? "base07",
}: {
programs.rofi = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.rofi-wayland;
font =;
location = "center";
plugins = with pkgs; [rofi-emoji];
pass = {
enable = true;
# package = pkgs.rofi-wayland;
extraConfig = ''
extraConfig = {
modi = "drun,ssh,window,combi";
combi-modi = "window,drun,ssh";
sidebar-mode = true;
sort = true;
sorting-method = "fzf";
matching = "fuzzy";
icon-theme =;
show-icons = true;
application-fallback-icon = "application-x-addon";
drun-display-format = "{icon} {name} ({categories})";
disable-history = false;
hide-scrollbar = true;
display-window = " Move ";
display-run = " Run ";
display-drun = " Apps ";
display-ssh = " SSH ";
display-combi = " Combi ";
theme = with builtins;
with scheme; let
inherit (config.lib.formats.rasi) mkLiteral;
bg = mkLiteral "rgba (${base00-rgb-r}, ${base00-rgb-g}, ${base00-rgb-b}, 80%)";
bg2 = mkLiteral "rgba (${base01-rgb-r}, ${base01-rgb-g}, ${base01-rgb-b}, 100%)";
fg = mkLiteral withHashtag.base05;
fg2 = mkLiteral withHashtag.base04;
border = mkLiteral withHashtag.${accentColour};
blue = mkLiteral;
in {
"*" = {
background-color = mkLiteral "transparent";
text-color = fg;
font = with fonts; "${} ${toString sizes.popups}";
window = {
height = mkLiteral "75%";
width = mkLiteral "75%";
border = mkLiteral "1px";
border-color = border;
border-radius = mkLiteral "10px";
background-color = bg;
inputbar = {
children = map mkLiteral ["prompt" "entry"];
padding = mkLiteral "2px";
prompt = {
background-color = bg2;
padding = mkLiteral "6px";
text-color = blue;
border-radius = mkLiteral "10px";
margin = mkLiteral "20px 0px 0px 20px";
textbox-prompt-colon = {
expand = false;
str = "=";
entry = {
padding = mkLiteral "6px";
margin = mkLiteral "20px 0px 0px 10px";
listview = {
border = mkLiteral "0px 0px 0px";
padding = mkLiteral "6px 0px 0px";
margin = mkLiteral "10px 0px 0px 20px";
columns = 2;
lines = 5;
element = {
padding = mkLiteral "5px";
"element-icon" = {
size = mkLiteral "25px";
"element selected" = {
background-color = bg2;
text-color = blue;
border-radius = mkLiteral "10px";
mode-switcher = {
spacing = 0;
button = {
padding = mkLiteral "10px";
text-color = fg2;
border-radius = mkLiteral "10px";
vertical-align = mkLiteral "0.5";
horizontal-align = mkLiteral "0.5";
"button selected" = {
background-color = bg2;
text-color = blue;
message = {
margin = mkLiteral "2px";
padding = mkLiteral "2px";
border-radius = mkLiteral "5px";
textbox = {
padding = mkLiteral "6px";
margin = mkLiteral "20px 0px 0px 20px";
text-color = blue;