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---@class PrometheusLib
local PrometheusLib = {}
---@class PrometheusOptions
---is a table of configuration options that can be provided.
local PrometheusOptions = {}
---metric name prefix.
---This string will be prepended to metric names on output.
PrometheusOptions.prefix = ''
---Can be used to change the default name of error metric (see
---[Built-in metrics](
---for details).
PrometheusOptions.error_metric_name = ''
---sets per-worker counter sync interval in seconds.
---This sets the boundary on eventual consistency of counter metrics.
---Defaults to `1`.
PrometheusOptions.sync_interval = 0
---maximum size of a per-metric lookup table maintained by
---each worker to cache full metric names. Defaults to `1000`.
---If you have metrics with extremely high cardinality and lots
---of available RAM, you might want to increase this to avoid
---cache getting flushed too often.
---Decreasing this makes sense if you have a very large number of metrics
---or need to minimize memory usage of this library.
PrometheusOptions.lookup_max_size = 0
---Initializes the module.
---This should be called once from the
---section of nginx configuration.
---init_worker_by_lua_block {
--- prometheus = require("prometheus").init("prometheus_metrics", {sync_interval=3})
---@param dict_name string is the name of the nginx shared dictionary which will be used to store all metrics. Defaults to `prometheus_metrics` if not specified.
---@param options? PrometheusOptions is a table of configuration options that can be provided.
---@return Prometheus prometheus Returns a `prometheus` object that should be used to register metrics.
PrometheusLib.init = function(dict_name, options) end
---@class Prometheus
local Prometheus = {}
---Registers a counter.
---Should be called once for each gauge from the
---init_worker_by_lua_block {
--- prometheus = require("prometheus").init("prometheus_metrics")
--- metric_bytes = prometheus:counter(
--- "nginx_http_request_size_bytes", "Total size of incoming requests")
--- metric_requests = prometheus:counter(
--- "nginx_http_requests_total", "Number of HTTP requests", {"host", "status"})
---@param name string is the name of the metric.
---@param description? string is the text description. Optional.
---@param label_names? string[] is an array of label names for the metric. Optional.
---@return PrometheusCounter
function Prometheus:counter(name, description, label_names) end
---Registers a gauge.
---Should be called once for each gauge from the
---init_worker_by_lua_block {
--- prometheus = require("prometheus").init("prometheus_metrics")
--- metric_connections = prometheus:gauge(
--- "nginx_http_connections", "Number of HTTP connections", {"state"})
---@param name string is the name of the metric.
---@param description? string is the text description. Optional.
---@param label_names? string[] is an array of label names for the metric. Optional.
---@return PrometheusGauge
function Prometheus:gauge(name, description, label_names) end
---Registers a histogram.
---Should be called once for each histogram from the
---init_worker_by_lua_block {
--- prometheus = require("prometheus").init("prometheus_metrics")
--- metric_latency = prometheus:histogram(
--- "nginx_http_request_duration_seconds", "HTTP request latency", {"host"})
--- metric_response_sizes = prometheus:histogram(
--- "nginx_http_response_size_bytes", "Size of HTTP responses", nil,
--- {10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000})
---@param name string is the name of the metric.
---@param description? string is the text description. Optional.
---@param label_names? string[] is an array of label names for the metric. Optional.
---@param buckets? number[] is an array of numbers defining bucket boundaries. Optional, defaults to 20 latency buckets covering a range from 5ms to 10s (in seconds).
---@return PrometheusHist
function Prometheus:histogram(name, description, label_names, buckets) end
---Presents all metrics in a text format compatible with Prometheus.
---This should be called in [content_by_lua_block](
---to expose the metrics on a separate HTTP page.
---location /metrics {
--- content_by_lua_block { prometheus:collect() }
--- allow;
--- deny all;
function Prometheus:collect() end
---Returns metric data as an array of strings.
---@return string[]
function Prometheus:metric_data() end
---@class PrometheusCounter
local PrometheusCounter = {}
---Increments a previously registered counter.
---This is usually called from log_by_lua_block globally or per server/location.
---The number of label values should match the number of label names
---defined when the counter was registered using `prometheus:counter()`.
---No label values should be provided for counters with no labels.
---Non-printable characters will be stripped from label values.
---log_by_lua_block {
--- metric_bytes:inc(tonumber(ngx.var.request_length))
--- metric_requests:inc(1, {ngx.var.server_name, ngx.var.status})
---@param value number is a value that should be added to the counter. Defaults to 1.
---@param label_values? string[] is an array of label values.
function PrometheusCounter:inc(value, label_values) end
---Delete a previously registered counter.
---This is usually called when you don't need to observe such counter
---(or a metric with specific label values in this counter) any more.
---If this counter has labels, you have to pass `label_values` to delete
---the specific metric of this counter.
---If you want to delete all the metrics of a counter with labels,
---you should call `Counter:reset()`.
---This function will wait for sync_interval before deleting the metric to
---allow all workers to sync their counters.
---@param label_values string[] The number of label values should match the number of label names defined when the counter was registered using `prometheus:counter()`. No label values should be provided for counters with no labels. Non-printable characters will be stripped from label values.
function PrometheusCounter:del(label_values) end
---Delete all metrics for a previously registered counter.
---If this counter have no labels, it is just the same as `Counter:del()` function.
---If this counter have labels, it will delete all the metrics with different label values.
---This function will wait for `sync_interval` before deleting the metrics to allow all workers to sync their counters.
function PrometheusCounter:reset() end
---@class PrometheusGauge
local PrometheusGauge = {}
---Sets the current value of a previously registered gauge.
---This could be called from
---globally or per server/location to modify a gauge on each request, or from
---just before `prometheus::collect()` to return a real-time value.
---@param value number is a value that the gauge should be set to. Required.
---@param label_values? string[] is an array of label values.
function PrometheusGauge:set(value, label_values) end
---Increments a previously registered gauge.
---This is usually called from log_by_lua_block globally or per server/location.
---The number of label values should match the number of label names
---defined when the gauge was registered using `prometheus:gauge()`.
---No label values should be provided for gauge with no labels.
---Non-printable characters will be stripped from label values.
---@param value number is a value that should be added to the gauge. Defaults to 1.
---@param label_values? string[] is an array of label values.
function PrometheusGauge:inc(value, label_values) end
---Delete a previously registered gauge.
---This is usually called when you don't need to observe such gauge
---(or a metric with specific label values in this gauge) any more.
---If this gauge has labels, you have to pass `label_values` to delete
---the specific metric of this gauge.
---If you want to delete all the metrics of a gauge with labels,
---you should call `Gauge:reset()`.
---This function will wait for sync_interval before deleting the metric to
---allow all workers to sync their counters.
---@param label_values string[] The number of label values should match the number of label names defined when the gauge was registered using `prometheus:gauge()`. No label values should be provided for counters with no labels. Non-printable characters will be stripped from label values.
function PrometheusGauge:del(label_values) end
---Delete all metrics for a previously registered gauge.
---If this gauge have no labels, it is just the same as `Gauge:del()` function.
---If this gauge have labels, it will delete all the metrics with different
---label values.
function PrometheusGauge:reset() end
---@class PrometheusHist
local PrometheusHist = {}
---Records a value in a previously registered histogram.
---Usually called from
---globally or per server/location.
---log_by_lua_block {
--- metric_latency:observe(tonumber(ngx.var.request_time), {ngx.var.server_name})
--- metric_response_sizes:observe(tonumber(ngx.var.bytes_sent))
---@param value string is a value that should be recorded. Required.
---@param label_values? string[] is an array of label values.
function PrometheusHist:observe(value, label_values) end
---Delete all metrics for a previously registered histogram.
---This function will wait for `sync_interval` before deleting the
---metrics to allow all workers to sync their counters.
function PrometheusHist:reset() end
return PrometheusLib