nixos/lua-lsp/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/debug.lua

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---@class debuglib
debug = {}
---@class debuginfo
---@field name string
---@field namewhat string
---@field source string
---@field short_src string
---@field linedefined integer
---@field lastlinedefined integer
---@field what string
---@field currentline integer
---@field istailcall boolean
---@field nups integer
---@field nparams integer
---@field isvararg boolean
---@field func function
---@field activelines table
---Enters an interactive mode with the user, running each string that the user enters.
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function debug.debug() end
---@version 5.1
---Returns the environment of object `o` .
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---@param o any
---@return table
function debug.getfenv(o) end
---Returns the current hook settings of the thread.
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---@param co? thread
---@return function hook
---@return string mask
---@return integer count
function debug.gethook(co) end
---@alias infowhat string
---|+'"n"' # `name` and `namewhat`
---|+'"S"' # `source`, `short_src`, `linedefined`, `lastlinedefined`, and `what`
---|+'"l"' # `currentline`
---|+'"t"' # `istailcall`
---|+'"u"' # `nups`, `nparams`, and `isvararg`
---|+'"f"' # `func`
---|+'"L"' # `activelines`
---Returns a table with information about a function.
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---@overload fun(f: integer|function, what?: infowhat):debuginfo
---@param thread thread
---@param f integer|async fun(...):...
---@param what? infowhat
---@return debuginfo
function debug.getinfo(thread, f, what) end
---Returns the name and the value of the local variable with index `local` of the function at level `f` of the stack.
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---@overload fun(f: integer|async fun(...):..., index: integer):string, any
---@param thread thread
---@param f integer|async fun(...):...
---@param index integer
---@return string name
---@return any value
function debug.getlocal(thread, f, index) end
---Returns the metatable of the given value.
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---@param object any
---@return table metatable
function debug.getmetatable(object) end
---Returns the registry table.
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---@return table
function debug.getregistry() end
---Returns the name and the value of the upvalue with index `up` of the function.
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---@param f async fun(...):...
---@param up integer
---@return string name
---@return any value
function debug.getupvalue(f, up) end
---Returns the Lua value associated to u.
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---@param u userdata
---@return any
function debug.getuservalue(u) end
---### **Deprecated in `Lua 5.4.2`**
---Sets a new limit for the C stack. This limit controls how deeply nested calls can go in Lua, with the intent of avoiding a stack overflow.
---In case of success, this function returns the old limit. In case of error, it returns `false`.
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---@param limit integer
---@return integer|boolean
function debug.setcstacklimit(limit) end
---Sets the environment of the given `object` to the given `table` .
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---@version 5.1
---@generic T
---@param object T
---@param env table
---@return T object
function debug.setfenv(object, env) end
---@alias hookmask string
---|+'"c"' # Calls hook when Lua calls a function.
---|+'"r"' # Calls hook when Lua returns from a function.
---|+'"l"' # Calls hook when Lua enters a new line of code.
---Sets the given function as a hook.
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---@overload fun(hook: (async fun(...):...), mask: hookmask, count?: integer)
---@overload fun(thread: thread):...
---@overload fun(...):...
---@param thread thread
---@param hook async fun(...):...
---@param mask hookmask
---@param count? integer
function debug.sethook(thread, hook, mask, count) end
---Assigns the `value` to the local variable with index `local` of the function at `level` of the stack.
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---@overload fun(level: integer, index: integer, value: any):string
---@param thread thread
---@param level integer
---@param index integer
---@param value any
---@return string name
function debug.setlocal(thread, level, index, value) end
---Sets the metatable for the given value to the given table (which can be `nil`).
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---@generic T
---@param value T
---@param meta? table
---@return T value
function debug.setmetatable(value, meta) end
---Assigns the `value` to the upvalue with index `up` of the function.
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---@param f async fun(...):...
---@param up integer
---@param value any
---@return string name
function debug.setupvalue(f, up, value) end
---Sets the given value as the Lua value associated to the given udata.
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---@param udata userdata
---@param value any
---@return userdata udata
function debug.setuservalue(udata, value) end
---Returns a string with a traceback of the call stack. The optional message string is appended at the beginning of the traceback.
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---@overload fun(message?: any, level?: integer): string
---@param thread thread
---@param message? any
---@param level? integer
---@return string message
function debug.traceback(thread, message, level) end
---@version >5.2, JIT
---Returns a unique identifier (as a light userdata) for the upvalue numbered `n` from the given function.
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---@param f async fun(...):...
---@param n integer
---@return lightuserdata id
function debug.upvalueid(f, n) end
---@version >5.2, JIT
---Make the `n1`-th upvalue of the Lua closure `f1` refer to the `n2`-th upvalue of the Lua closure `f2`.
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---@param f1 async fun(...):...
---@param n1 integer
---@param f2 async fun(...):...
---@param n2 integer
function debug.upvaluejoin(f1, n1, f2, n2) end
return debug