Move home/ directory under system/ directory. Remove duplicated machine-specific config files, now handled as one per host (excluding hardware-configuration directory) Move as much configuration as possible out of flake.nix and into more appropriate files (e.g. system/default.nix) Add a desktop.nix and laptop.nix for system, both will import home/desktop.nix and home/laptop.nix respectively to reduce duplication in machine-specific config files Remove games and streaming directories, moved directly into Vanguard config file Remove home/personal.nix since it ended up being empty after changes Remove old sway config since I haven't been maintaining it and this refactor will definitely break it
79 lines
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79 lines
2.4 KiB
emacs = [ "emacsclient.desktop" ];
browser = [ "firefox.desktop" ];
"inode/directory" = [ "thunar.desktop" ];
"inode/symlink" = [ "thunar.desktop" ];
"image/jpeg" = [ "swayimg.desktop" ];
"image/png" = [ "swayimg.desktop" ];
"video/mp4" = [ "mpv.desktop" ];
"text/plain" = emacs;
"text/richtext" = emacs;
"text/org" = emacs;
"text/markdown" = emacs;
"text/rust" = emacs;
"text/csv" = emacs;
"text/html" = emacs;
"text/css" = emacs;
"text/tab-separated-values" = emacs;
"text/x-emacs-lisp" = emacs;
"text/x-fortran" = emacs;
"text/x-idl" = emacs;
"text/x-log" = emacs;
"text/x-lua" = emacs;
"text/x-makefile" = emacs;
"text/x-cmake" = emacs;
"text/x-python" = emacs;
"text/x-python3" = emacs;
"text/x-readme" = emacs;
"text/x-scheme" = emacs;
"text/x-tex" = emacs;
"text/x-texinfo" = emacs;
"application/json" = emacs;
"application/toml" = emacs;
"application/yaml" = emacs;
"application/xml" = emacs;
"application/rss+xml" = emacs;
"application/xhtml+xml" = emacs;
"application/oxps" = emacs;
"application/x-shellscript" = emacs;
"application/x-docbook+xml" = emacs;
"application/x-yaml" = emacs;
"application/pdf" = [ "evince.desktop" ];
"application/epub+zip" = [ "evince.desktop" ];
"application/msword" = [ "writer.desktop" ];
"application/zip" = [ "xarchiver.desktop" ];
"application/x-extension-htm" = browser;
"application/x-extension-html" = browser;
"application/x-extension-shtml" = browser;
"application/x-extension-xhtml" = browser;
"application/x-extension-xht" = browser;
"application/x-mozilla-bookmarks" = browser;
"application/x-zoom" = [ "Zoom.desktop" ] ++ browser;
"x-scheme-handler/http" = browser;
"x-scheme-handler/https" = browser;
"x-scheme-handler/about" = browser;
"x-scheme-handler/chrome" = browser;
"x-scheme-handler/webcal" = browser;
"x-scheme-handler/geo" = [ "openstreetmap-geo-handler.desktop" ];
"x-scheme-handler/mailto" = [ "emacsclient-mail.desktop" ];
"x-scheme-handler/unknown" = emacs;
"x-scheme-handler/prusaslicer" = [ "PrusaSlicerURLProtocol.desktop" ];
"x-scheme-handler/ms-word" = [ "writer.desktop" ];
"x-scheme-handler/ms-powerpoint" = [ "impress.desktop" ];
"x-scheme-handler/ms-excel" = [ "calc.desktop" ];
"x-scheme-handler/msteams" = [ "teams-for-linux.desktop" ] ++ browser;
"x-scheme-handler/zoomus" = browser;
"x-scheme-handler/zoommtg" = browser;