Evie Litherland-Smith 57f6a0d5d7 Remove some things
Remove Zathura

Remove .config/style.css because stylix puts the same thing in
2024-01-10 20:13:09 +00:00

267 lines
7.5 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: {
stylix.targets = {
avizo.enable = true;
foot.enable = true;
fzf.enable = true;
rofi.enable = true;
swaylock.enable = true;
xresources.enable = true;
xdg.configFile."bat/themes/Catppuccin-mocha.tmTheme".source =
programs = rec {
bash.enable = true;
bat = {
enable = true;
config.theme = "Catppuccin-mocha";
bottom = {
enable = true;
settings.colors = {
table_header_color = "#f5e0dc";
all_cpu_color = "#f5e0dc";
avg_cpu_color = "#eba0ac";
cpu_core_colors =
[ "#f38ba8" "#fab387" "#f9e2af" "#a6e3a1" "#74c7ec" "#cba6f7" ];
ram_color = "#a6e3a1";
swap_color = "#fab387";
rx_color = "#a6e3a1";
tx_color = "#f38ba8";
widget_title_color = "#f2cdcd";
border_color = "#585b70";
highlighted_border_color = "#f5c2e7";
text_color = "#cdd6f4";
graph_color = "#a6adc8";
cursor_color = "#f5c2e7";
selected_text_color = "#11111b";
selected_bg_color = "#cba6f7";
high_battery_color = "#a6e3a1";
medium_battery_color = "#f9e2af";
low_battery_color = "#f38ba8";
gpu_core_colors =
[ "#74c7ec" "#cba6f7" "#f38ba8" "#fab387" "#f9e2af" "#a6e3a1" ];
arc_color = "#89dceb";
eza = {
enable = true;
git = true;
icons = true;
enableAliases = true;
extraOptions = [ "--octal-permissions" ];
readline = {
enable = true;
includeSystemConfig = true;
extraConfig = ''
set completion-ignore-case On
direnv = {
enable = true;
nix-direnv.enable = true;
enableBashIntegration = true;
enableZshIntegration = true;
fzf = {
enable = true;
enableBashIntegration = true;
enableZshIntegration = true;
git = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.gitFull;
userName = "Evie Litherland-Smith";
userEmail = lib.mkDefault "";
delta = {
enable = true;
options = {
line-numbers = true;
hyprlinks = true;
navigate = true;
side-by-side = true;
syntax-theme = bat.config.theme;
extraConfig = {
github.user = "elitherl";
pull.rebase = false;
init.defaultBranch = "main";
merge.conflictstyle = "diff3";
diff.colorMoved = "default";
credential.helper = "${pkgs.gitFull}/bin/git-credential-libsecret";
ssh = {
enable = true;
forwardAgent = true;
addKeysToAgent = "yes";
compression = true;
serverAliveInterval = 15;
serverAliveCountMax = 3;
controlMaster = "auto";
controlPersist = "10s";
extraConfig = ''
SetEnv TERM=xterm-256color
matchBlocks = {
"git*".user = "git";
"legion" = {
user = "xenia";
hostname = "";
"ionos" = {
user = "root";
hostname = "";
"freia" = {
user = "elitherl";
hostname = "freia020.hpc.l";
localForwards = [{
bind.port = 6702;
host = {
address = "";
port = 6702;
"heimdall" = {
user = "elitherl";
hostname = "";
starship = {
enable = true;
enableBashIntegration = true;
enableZshIntegration = true;
enableTransience = true;
settings = {
command_timeout = 1000;
add_newline = true;
character = {
success_symbol = "[](bold green)";
error_symbol = "[](bold red)";
directory = {
truncation_length = 2;
fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 1;
read_only = " 󰉐";
truncate_to_repo = false;
line_break.disabled = false;
git_branch = {
symbol = " ";
only_attached = true;
ignore_branches = [ "master" "main" ];
git_commit = {
format = "[󰜘 $hash | $tag]($style) ";
tag_symbol = "󰓹 ";
tag_disabled = false;
git_metrics.disabled = false;
hostname = {
ssh_only = true;
ssh_symbol = "󰢹 ";
localip.disabled = false;
memory_usage = {
disabled = false;
symbol = "󰍛 ";
nix_shell.symbol = "󱄅 ";
os = {
disabled = false;
format = "on [$symbol $name ]($style)";
style = "bold blue";
symbols = {
Alpine = " ";
Android = " ";
Arch = " ";
CentOS = " ";
Debian = " ";
EndeavourOS = " ";
Fedora = " ";
FreeBSD = " ";
Gentoo = " ";
Illumos = " ";
Linux = " ";
Macos = " ";
Manjaro = " ";
Mint = "󰣭 ";
NixOS = " ";
OpenBSD = " ";
openSUSE = " ";
Pop = " ";
Raspbian = " ";
Redhat = " ";
RedHatEnterprise = " ";
Solus = " ";
SUSE = " ";
Ubuntu = " ";
Unknown = " ";
Windows = " ";
python = {
symbol = "󰌠 ";
python_binary = "python3";
rust = { symbol = "󱘗 "; };
shell = {
disabled = false;
format = "using [$indicator ]($style)";
sudo = {
disabled = false;
symbol = "󰪋 ";
zsh = {
enable = true;
enableAutosuggestions = true;
enableCompletion = true;
syntaxHighlighting.enable = true;
enableVteIntegration = true;
autocd = true;
historySubstringSearch.enable = true;
initExtra = ''
xdg-query-program () {
FILETYPE=$(xdg-mime query filetype $@)
DEFAULT=$(xdg-mime query default $FILETYPE)
rsync-local-config () {
for TARGET in bat git starship.toml; do
NIX_SED="${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed -i 's|/nix/.*/bin/||g'"
if [[ -e ${config.xdg.configHome}/$TARGET ]]; then
if [[ -d $SOURCE ]]; then
NIX_REPLACE="${pkgs.fd}/bin/fd -g '**' $TMP_TARGET -tfile -x $NIX_SED {};"
${pkgs.rsync}/bin/rsync -avzL --exclude=".git*" $SOURCE $TMP_TARGET
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod u+rw -R $TMP_SOURCE
${pkgs.bash}/bin/sh -c "$NIX_REPLACE"
${pkgs.rsync}/bin/rsync -avzL --delete --exclude=".git*" $TMP_SOURCE $HOST:.config/$TARGET
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/rm -rf $TMP_SOURCE
oh-my-zsh = {
enable = true;
plugins = [ "colored-man-pages" "lol" "rand-quote" ];
theme = "";