Split system-level sway and plasma config into separate files, move sway-specific home-level config to sway file. Only truly common desktop components are kept in common spaces. This allows much easier switching between using KDE Plasma and Sway.
341 lines
9.1 KiB
341 lines
9.1 KiB
}: {
systemd.user.targets.tray.Unit = {
Description = "Home Manager System Tray";
Requires = ["graphical-session.target"];
programs.waybar = {
enable = true;
systemd.enable = true;
settings.main = {
name = "main";
layer = "top";
position = "top";
# Layout
"modules-left" = [
"modules-center" = [];
"modules-right" = [
# Module config
"sway/workspaces" = {
format = "{icon}";
format-icons = {
"1" = " ";
"2" = " ";
"3" = " ";
"4" = " ";
"5" = " ";
"6" = " ";
default = " ";
urgent = " ";
all-outputs = false;
persistent-workspaces = {
"1" = [];
"2" = [];
"3" = [];
"4" = [];
"5" = [];
"6" = [];
"sway/window" = {
"format" = "{title}";
"max-length" = 50;
"rewrite" = {
"(.*) - GNU Emacs at (.*)" = " $1 [$2]";
"(alacritty.*)" = " $1";
"(.*) - mpv" = " $1";
"swayimg: (.*)" = " $1";
"(btm)" = " Resource Usage [$1]";
"(cava)" = " Music Visualiser [$1]";
"(.*) - Thunar" = " $1";
"Mozilla Firefox" = " $1";
"(.*) — Mozilla Firefox" = " $1";
"Nyxt - (.*)" = " $1";
"(.*) - Chromium" = " $1";
"(Signal.*)" = " $1";
"((?:.*)WebCord.*)" = " $1";
"(Cartridges.*)" = " $1";
"([Ss]team.*)" = " $1";
"(Prism Launcher.*)" = " Minecraft ($1)";
"(X2Go Client)" = " $1";
"(NoMachine|Nxplayer.bin) (.*)" = " $1 $2";
mpris = {
"format" = "{player_icon} {artist} - {title} {status_icon}";
"tooltip-format" = "{player_icon} ({player}) {dynamic}";
"title-len" = 64;
"interval" = 1;
"dynamic-order" = [
"player-icons" = {
"default" = " ";
"emms" = " ";
"firefox" = " ";
"mpv" = " ";
"status-icons" = {
"playing" = "";
"paused" = "";
"stopped" = "";
"ignored-players" = [];
pulseaudio = {
scroll-step = 5;
format = "{format_source}{icon}{volume}%";
format-muted = "{format_source} ";
format-source = " ";
format-source-muted = " ";
format-icons = {
car = " ";
default = [" " " " " "];
hands-free = " ";
headset = " ";
phone = " ";
portable = " ";
headphone = " ";
on-click = "${pkgs.pavucontrol}/bin/pavucontrol";
on-click-right = "${pkgs.pamixer}/bin/pamixer -t";
on-scroll-up = "${pkgs.pamixer}/bin/pamixer -i 5";
on-scroll-down = "${pkgs.pamixer}/bin/pamixer -d 5";
disk = {
format = " {percentage_used}%";
path = config.home.homeDirectory;
cpu = {
format = " {usage}%";
tooltip = false;
memory = {format = " {}%";};
temperature = {
critical-threshold = 80;
format = "{icon} {temperatureC}°C";
format-icons = ["" "" ""];
network = {
format-icons = [" " " " " " " "];
format-wifi = "{icon}";
format-ethernet = " ";
format-linked = " ";
format-disconnected = " ";
tooltip-format = "{essid} ({signalStrength}%)";
on-click = "${pkgs.networkmanagerapplet}/bin/nm-connection-editor";
bluetooth = {
format = "";
format-disabled = "";
format-off = "";
format-on = "";
format-connected = "";
tooltip-format = "{status} | {device_alias}";
on-click = "${pkgs.blueman}/bin/blueman-manager";
"clock#calendar" = {
format = " {:%Y-%m-%d}";
tooltip-format = "<tt>{calendar}</tt>";
calendar = {
mode = "month";
mode-mon-col = 3;
weeks-pos = "left";
on-scroll = 1;
format = let
sc = config.scheme.withHashtag;
in {
months = "<span color='${sc.red}'><b>{}</b></span>";
weeks = "<span color='${sc.cyan}'><b>W{}</b></span>";
weekdays = "<span color='${sc.orange}'><b>{}</b></span>";
days = "<span color='${sc.base05}'><b>{}</b></span>";
today = "<span color='${sc.${accentColourName}}'><b><i>{}</i></b></span>";
actions = {
on-scroll-up = "shift_up";
on-scroll-down = "shift_down";
clock.format = " {:%R}";
backlight = {
format = "{icon}";
tooltip-format = "{percent}%";
format-icons = [" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "];
battery = {
states = {
warning = 30;
critical = 20;
format = "{icon}";
format-charging = " ";
format-plugged = " ";
tooltip-format = "{capacity}% {time}";
format-icons = [" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "];
"custom/notification" = let
swaync = pkgs.swaynotificationcenter;
in {
tooltip = false;
format = "{icon}{}";
format-icons = {
notification = " ";
none = " ";
dnd-notification = " ";
dnd-none = " ";
inhibited-notification = " ";
inhibited-none = " ";
dnd-inhibited-notification = " ";
dnd-inhibited-none = " ";
return-type = "json";
exec-if = "which ${swaync}/bin/swaync-client";
exec = "${swaync}/bin/swaync-client -swb";
on-click = "${swaync}/bin/swaync-client -t -sw";
on-click-right = "${swaync}/bin/swaync-client -d -sw";
escape = true;
"custom/weather" = let
date-format = "%Y-%m-%d";
custom-indicator = "{ICON}{temp_C}({FeelsLikeC})";
in {
format = "{}°";
tooltip = true;
interval = 900; # Every 15 minutes
exec = ''${pkgs.wttrbar}/bin/wttrbar --location Didcot --date-format "${date-format}" --custom-indicator "${custom-indicator}"'';
return-type = "json";
tray = {
icon-size = builtins.floor fonts.sizes.popups;
show-passive-items = true;
spacing = 5;
style = let
sc = config.scheme.withHashtag;
alpha = "0.85";
in ''
* {
all: unset;
font-size: ${toString fonts.sizes.popups}px;
font-family: ${fonts.monospace.name};
window {
background: transparent;
box-shadow: none;
window > box {
color: ${sc.base05};
background: alpha(${sc.base00}, ${alpha});
margin: 5px 5px 0px;
padding: 0px;
border-top: 1px solid ${sc.base04};
border-radius: 5px;
tooltip {
background: ${sc.base00};
border: 1px solid ${sc.${accentColourName}};
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: none;
tooltip label {
color: ${sc.base05};
border: none;
padding: 5px;
margin: 0px;
#tray {
margin: 0px;
padding: 1px 5px;
#custom-weather {
color: ${sc.base05};
#workspaces button {
background: transparent;
color: ${sc.base05};
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px 5px;
#workspaces button.persistent {
color: ${sc.base03};
#workspaces button.focused {
color: ${sc.${accentColourName}};
#workspaces button.urgent {
color: ${sc.base09};
#custom-notification {
color: ${sc.base08};
#pulseaudio {
color: ${sc.base09};
#network {
color: ${sc.base0A};
#bluetooth {
color: ${sc.base0B};
#clock.calendar {
color: ${sc.base0C};
#clock {
color: ${sc.base0D};