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---@class resty.websocket.protocol
local protocol = {
_VERSION = "0.09",
--- websocket object
---@class resty.websocket : table
---@field sock tcpsock
---@field fatal boolean
---@field max_payload_len number
---@field send_masked boolean
local websocket = {}
---@param ms integer sets the timeout delay (in milliseconds) for the network-related operations
function websocket:set_timeout(ms) end
---Sends the text argument out as an unfragmented data frame of the text type.
---Returns the number of bytes that have actually been sent on the TCP level.
---In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error.
---@param text string
---@return integer? bytes
---@return string? error
function websocket:send_text(text) end
---Sends the data argument out as an unfragmented data frame of the binary type.
---Returns the number of bytes that have actually been sent on the TCP level.
---In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error.
---@param data string
---@return integer? bytes
---@return string? error
function websocket:send_binary(data) end
---Sends out a ping frame with an optional message specified by the msg argument.
---Returns the number of bytes that have actually been sent on the TCP level.
---In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error.
---Note that this method does not wait for a pong frame from the remote end.
---@param msg? string
---@return integer? bytes
---@return string? error
function websocket:send_ping(msg) end
---Sends out a pong frame with an optional message specified by the msg argument.
---Returns the number of bytes that have actually been sent on the TCP level.
---In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error.
---@param msg? string
---@return integer? bytes
---@return string? error
function websocket:send_pong(msg) end
---Sends out a close frame with an optional status code and a message.
---In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error.
---For a list of valid status code, see the following document:
---Note that this method does not wait for a close frame from the remote end.
---@param code? integer
---@param msg? string
---@return integer? bytes
---@return string? error
function websocket:send_close(code, msg) end
---Sends out a raw websocket frame by specifying the fin field (boolean value), the opcode, and the payload.
---For a list of valid opcode, see
---In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error.
---To control the maximal payload length allowed, you can pass the max_payload_len option to the new constructor.
---To control whether to send masked frames, you can pass true to the send_masked option in the new constructor method. By default, unmasked frames are sent.
---@param fin boolean
---@param opcode resty.websocket.protocol.opcode
---@param payload string
---@return integer? bytes
---@return string? error
function websocket:send_frame(fin, opcode, payload) end
---Receives a WebSocket frame from the wire.
---In case of an error, returns two nil values and a string describing the error.
---The second return value is always the frame type, which could be one of continuation, text, binary, close, ping, pong, or nil (for unknown types).
---For close frames, returns 3 values: the extra status message (which could be an empty string), the string "close", and a Lua number for the status code (if any). For possible closing status codes, see
---For other types of frames, just returns the payload and the type.
---For fragmented frames, the err return value is the Lua string "again".
---@return string? data
---@return resty.websocket.protocol.type? typ
---@return string|integer? error_or_status_code
function websocket:recv_frame() end
---@class : table
---@field max_payload_len integer maximal length of payload allowed when sending and receiving WebSocket frames
---@field send_masked boolean whether to send out masked WebSocket frames
---@field timeout integer network timeout threshold in milliseconds
--- Websocket op code
--- Defines the interpretation of the payload data.
--- See RFC 6455 section 5.2
---@alias resty.websocket.protocol.opcode
---| '0x0' # continuation
---| '0x1' # text
---| '0x2' # binary
---| '0x8' # close
---| '0x9' # ping
---| '0xa' # pong
---@alias resty.websocket.protocol.type
---| '"continuation"'
---| '"text"'
---| '"binary"'
---| '"close"'
---| '"ping"'
---| '"pong"'
--- Builds a raw WebSocket frame.
---@param fin boolean
---@param opcode resty.websocket.protocol.opcode
---@param payload_len integer
---@param payload string
---@param masking boolean
---@return string
function protocol.build_frame(fin, opcode, payload_len, payload, masking) end
--- Sends a raw WebSocket frame.
---@param sock tcpsock
---@param fin boolean
---@param opcode resty.websocket.protocol.opcode
---@param payload string
---@param max_payload_len interger
---@param masking boolean
---@return bytes? number
---@return string? error
function protocol.send_frame(sock, fin, opcode, payload, max_payload_len, masking) end
--- Receives a WebSocket frame from the wire.
---@param sock tcpsock
---@param max_payload_len interger
---@param force_masking boolean
---@return string? data
---@return resty.websocket.protocol.type? typ
---@return string? error
function protocol.recv_frame(sock, max_payload_len, force_masking) end
return protocol