Move system/home/default.nix into system/default.nix, system/home/desktop/default.nix into system/desktop.nix to reduce unnecessary duplication. Moved everything in home/desktop up to home/ and adjusted paths accordingly. Moved wallpapers up to system/ since it makes sense with where it's used. Merge allowUnfreePredicate into single place again since it seems to override rather than combine if used multiple times. Install NoMachine on all machines again by default. |
.. | ||
beamercolorthemeukaea.sty | ||
beamerfontthemeukaea.sty | ||
beamerinnerthemeukaea.sty | ||
beamerouterthemeukaea.sty | ||
beamerthemeukaea.sty | ||
default.nix | || | ||
ukaea-jet.jpg | ||
ukaea_logo.png |
UKAEA Beamer Style
This provides a Beamer theme for the default UKAEA branding. Subbrands (CCFE, RACE, etc.) are not current available, but would not be difficult to add.
For best results, it is recommended that you install the non-free Latex fonts, as described here: However you will still get perfectly acceptable results without them.
The file ukaea-example.tex
is provided as a starting point for your
presentations. Simply rename and modify it as needed. You must either
keep your presentation TeX file in the same directory as the .sty
and image files or install those files on your system. If you wish to
do the latter, follow these
starting from step 3.