{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ coreutils fd ripgrep imagemagick languagetool wordnet (aspellWithDicts (ds: with ds; [ en en-computers en-science ])) ]; services.emacs = { enable = true; install = true; package = with pkgs; ((emacsPackagesFor emacs29-pgtk).emacsWithPackages (epkgs: with epkgs; [ # Theme doom-themes # completion-packages cape consult corfu corfu-terminal embark embark-consult marginalia orderless vertico # ide-packages editorconfig aggressive-indent ibuffer-project # custom treesit-grammars.with-all-grammars treesit-auto apheleia direnv nix-mode rust-mode # org-packages denote org-appear # ui-packages all-the-icons elisp-demos helpful # workspaces-packages tabspaces # writing-packages markdown-mode pandoc-mode auctex auctex-latexmk # email-packages notmuch notmuch-indicator # feed-packages elfeed elfeed-org elfeed-webkit elfeed-tube elfeed-tube-mpv # Additional packages which-key magit vterm ])); }; }