-- This is an example of how to process the generated `doc.json` file. -- You can use it to generate a markdown file or a html file. local json = require 'json' local util = require 'utility' local markdown = require 'provider.markdown' local doc = json.decode(util.loadFile(LOGPATH .. '/doc.json')) local md = markdown() for _, class in ipairs(doc) do md:add('md', '# ' .. class.name) md:emptyLine() md:add('md', class.desc) md:emptyLine() local mark = {} for _, field in ipairs(class.fields) do if not mark[field.name] then mark[field.name] = true md:add('md', '## ' .. field.name) md:emptyLine() md:add('lua', field.extends.view) md:emptyLine() md:add('md', field.desc) md:emptyLine() end end md:splitLine() end util.saveFile(LOGPATH .. '/doc.md', md:string())