local files = require 'files' local vm = require 'vm' local hoverLabel = require 'core.hover.label' local hoverDesc = require 'core.hover.description' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local lookback = require 'core.look-backward' local function findNearCall(uri, ast, pos) local text = files.getText(uri) local state = files.getState(uri) if not state or not text then return nil end local nearCall guide.eachSourceContain(ast.ast, pos, function (src) if src.type == 'call' or src.type == 'table' or src.type == 'function' then local finishOffset = guide.positionToOffset(state, src.finish) -- call(),$ if src.finish <= pos and text:sub(finishOffset, finishOffset) == ')' then return end -- {},$ if src.finish <= pos and text:sub(finishOffset, finishOffset) == '}' then return end if not nearCall or nearCall.start <= src.start then nearCall = src end end end) if not nearCall then return nil end if nearCall.type ~= 'call' then return nil end return nearCall end ---@async local function makeOneSignature(source, oop, index) local label = hoverLabel(source, oop) if not label then return nil end -- 去掉返回值 label = label:gsub('%s*->.+', '') local params = {} local i = 0 local argStart, argLabel = label:match '()(%b())$' local converted = argLabel : sub(2, -2) : gsub('%b<>', function (str) return ('_'):rep(#str) end) : gsub('%b()', function (str) return ('_'):rep(#str) end) : gsub('%b{}', function (str) return ('_'):rep(#str) end) : gsub('[%[%]%(%)]', '_') for start, finish in converted:gmatch '%s*()[^,]+()' do i = i + 1 params[i] = { label = {start + argStart - 1, finish - 1 + argStart}, } end -- 不定参数 if index and index > i and i > 0 then local lastLabel = params[i].label local text = label:sub(lastLabel[1] + 1, lastLabel[2]) if text:sub(1, 3) == '...' then index = i end end if #params < (index or 0) then return nil end return { label = label, params = params, index = index or 1, description = hoverDesc(source), } end ---@async local function makeSignatures(text, call, pos) local func = call.node local oop = func.type == 'method' or func.type == 'getmethod' or func.type == 'setmethod' local index if call.args then local args = {} for _, arg in ipairs(call.args) do if arg.type ~= 'self' then args[#args+1] = arg end end local uri = guide.getUri(call) local state = files.getState(uri) for i, arg in ipairs(args) do local startOffset = guide.positionToOffset(state, arg.start) startOffset = lookback.findTargetSymbol(text, startOffset, '(') or lookback.findTargetSymbol(text, startOffset, ',') or startOffset local startPos = guide.offsetToPosition(state, startOffset) if startPos > pos then index = i - 1 break end if pos <= arg.finish then index = i break end end if not index then local offset = guide.positionToOffset(state, pos) local backSymbol = lookback.findSymbol(text, offset) if backSymbol == ',' or backSymbol == '(' then index = #args + 1 else index = #args end end end local signs = {} local node = vm.compileNode(func) ---@type vm.node node = node:getData 'originNode' or node local mark = {} for src in node:eachObject() do if (src.type == 'function' and not vm.isVarargFunctionWithOverloads(src)) or src.type == 'doc.type.function' then if not mark[src] then mark[src] = true signs[#signs+1] = makeOneSignature(src, oop, index) end elseif src.type == 'global' and src.cate == 'type' then ---@cast src vm.global for _, set in ipairs(src:getSets(guide.getUri(call))) do if set.type == 'doc.class' then for _, overload in ipairs(set.calls) do local f = overload.overload if not mark[f] then mark[f] = true signs[#signs+1] = makeOneSignature(f, oop, index) end end end end end end return signs end ---@async return function (uri, pos) local state = files.getState(uri) local text = files.getText(uri) if not state or not text then return nil end local offset = guide.positionToOffset(state, pos) pos = guide.offsetToPosition(state, lookback.skipSpace(text, offset)) local call = findNearCall(uri, state, pos) if not call then return nil end local signs = makeSignatures(text, call, pos) if not signs or #signs == 0 then return nil end table.sort(signs, function (a, b) return #a.params < #b.params end) return signs end