local files = require 'files' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local vm = require 'vm' local lang = require 'language' local await = require 'await' ---@async return function (uri, callback) local state = files.getState(uri) if not state then return end ---@async guide.eachSourceType(state.ast, 'getlocal', function (src) await.delay() local checkNil local nxt = src.next if nxt then if nxt.type == 'getfield' or nxt.type == 'getmethod' or nxt.type == 'getindex' or nxt.type == 'call' then checkNil = true end end local call = src.parent if call and call.type == 'call' and call.node == src then checkNil = true end local setIndex = src.parent if setIndex and setIndex.type == 'setindex' and setIndex.index == src then checkNil = true end if not checkNil then return end local node = vm.compileNode(src) if node:hasFalsy() and not vm.getInfer(src):hasType(uri, 'any') then callback { start = src.start, finish = src.finish, message = lang.script('DIAG_NEED_CHECK_NIL'), } end end) end