local files = require 'files' local furi = require 'file-uri' local config = require 'config' local rpath = require 'workspace.require-path' local client = require 'client' local lang = require 'language' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local function inComment(state, pos) for _, comm in ipairs(state.comms) do if comm.start <= pos and comm.finish >= pos then return true end if comm.start > pos then break end end return false end local function findInsertRow(uri) local text = files.getText(uri) local state = files.getState(uri) if not state or not text then return end local lines = state.lines local fmt = { pair = false, quot = '"', col = nil, } local row for i = 0, #lines do if inComment(state, guide.positionOf(i, 0)) then goto CONTINUE end local ln = lines[i] local lnText = text:match('[^\r\n]*', ln) if not lnText:find('require', 1, true) then if row then break end if not lnText:match '^local%s' and not lnText:match '^%s*$' and not lnText:match '^%-%-' then break end else row = i + 1 local lpPos = lnText:find '%(' if lpPos then fmt.pair = true else fmt.pair = false end local quot = lnText:match [=[(['"])]=] fmt.quot = quot or fmt.quot local eqPos = lnText:find '=' if eqPos then fmt.col = eqPos end end ::CONTINUE:: end return row or 0, fmt end ---@async local function askAutoRequire(uri, visiblePaths) local selects = {} local nameMap = {} for _, visible in ipairs(visiblePaths) do local expect = visible.name local select = lang.script(expect) if not nameMap[select] then nameMap[select] = expect selects[#selects+1] = select end end local disable = lang.script.COMPLETION_DISABLE_AUTO_REQUIRE selects[#selects+1] = disable local result = client.awaitRequestMessage('Info' , lang.script.COMPLETION_ASK_AUTO_REQUIRE , selects ) if not result then return end if result == disable then client.setConfig { { key = 'Lua.completion.autoRequire', action = 'set', value = false, uri = uri, } } return end return nameMap[result] end local function applyAutoRequire(uri, row, name, result, fmt) local quotedResult = ('%q'):format(result) if fmt.quot == "'" then quotedResult = ([['%s']]):format(quotedResult:sub(2, -2) :gsub([[']], [[\']]) :gsub([[\"]], [["]]) ) end if fmt.pair then quotedResult = ('(%s)'):format(quotedResult) else quotedResult = (' %s'):format(quotedResult) end local sp = ' ' local text = ('local %s'):format(name) if fmt.col and fmt.col > #text then sp = (' '):rep(fmt.col - #text - 1) end text = ('local %s%s= require%s\n'):format(name, sp, quotedResult) client.editText(uri, { { start = guide.positionOf(row, 0), finish = guide.positionOf(row, 0), text = text, } }) end ---@async return function (data) local uri = data.uri local target = data.target local name = data.name local state = files.getState(uri) if not state then return end local path = furi.decode(target) local visiblePaths = rpath.getVisiblePath(uri, path) if not visiblePaths or #visiblePaths == 0 then return end table.sort(visiblePaths, function (a, b) return #a.name < #b.name end) local result = askAutoRequire(uri, visiblePaths) if not result then return end local offset, fmt = findInsertRow(uri) applyAutoRequire(uri, offset, name, result, fmt) end