{ config, pkgs, anyrun, ... }: { imports = [ anyrun.homeManagerModules.default ./kidex.nix ]; home.packages = with pkgs; [ rink ]; programs.anyrun = { enable = true; config = { plugins = with anyrun.packages.${pkgs.system}; [ applications dictionary kidex randr rink shell symbols translate websearch ]; width.fraction = 0.3; y.absolute = 15; hidePluginInfo = true; closeOnClick = true; }; extraCss = with config.lib.stylix.colors.withHashtag; '' * { all: unset; font-family: "${config.stylix.fonts.sansSerif.name}"; font-size: 1.3rem; } #window, #match, #entry, #plugin, #main { background: transparent; } #match.activatable { border-radius: 10px; padding: .3rem .9rem; margin-top: .01rem; } #match.activatable:first-child { margin-top: .7rem; } #match.activatable:last-child { margin-bottom: .6rem; } #plugin:hover #match.activatable { border-radius: 10px; padding: .3rem; margin-top: .01rem; margin-bottom: 0; } #match:selected, #match:hover, #plugin:hover { background: alpha(${base03}, .1); border: 1px solid ${base0A}; } #entry { background: alpha(${base01}, .05); border: 1px solid ${base03}; border-radius: 10px; margin: .3rem; padding: .3rem 1rem; } list > #plugin { border-radius: 16px; margin: 0 .3rem; } list > #plugin:first-child { margin-top: .3rem; } list > #plugin:last-child { margin-bottom: .3rem; } list > #plugin:hover { padding: .6rem; } box#main { background: alpha(${base00}, .5); box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(183, 189, 248, .1), 0 0 0 1px rgba(36, 39, 58, .5); border-radius: 10px; padding: .3rem; } ''; }; }