# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on # your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page # and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running `nixos-help`). { lib, ... }: let # generate via openvpn --genkey --secret openvpn-laptop.key client-key = "/root/openvpn.key"; domain = "vpn.xenia.me.uk"; vpn-dev = "tun0"; port = 1194; in { users.mutableUsers = false; system.autoUpgrade = { allowReboot = lib.mkForce true; rebootWindow = { lower = "03:00"; upper = "05:00"; }; }; networking = { nat = { enable = true; externalInterface = "enp42s0"; internalInterfaces = [ vpn-dev ]; }; firewall = { trustedInterfaces = [ vpn-dev ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ port ]; }; }; services = { syncthing = let dataDir = "/var/lib/syncthing"; in { inherit dataDir; settings.folders = { "Archive".path = dataDir + "/Archive"; "Books".path = dataDir + "/Books"; "Comics".path = dataDir + "/Comics"; "Documents".path = dataDir + "/Documents"; "Exports".path = dataDir + "/Exports"; "Notes".path = dataDir + "/Notes"; "Pictures".path = dataDir + "/Pictures"; "Tasks".path = dataDir + "/Tasks"; "Zotero".path = dataDir + "/Zotero"; }; }; openvpn = { restartAfterSleep = true; servers.xenia.config = '' dev ${vpn-dev} proto udp ifconfig secret ${client-key} port ${toString port} cipher AES-256-CBC auth-nocache comp-lzo keepalive 10 60 ping-timer-rem persist-tun persist-key ''; }; }; environment.etc."openvpn/client.ovpn" = { text = '' dev tun remote "${domain}" ifconfig port ${toString port} redirect-gateway def1 cipher AES-256-CBC auth-nocache comp-lzo keepalive 10 60 resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun secret [inline] ''; mode = "600"; }; system.activationScripts.openvpn-addkey = '' f="/etc/openvpn/client.ovpn" if ! grep -q '' $f; then echo "appending secret key" echo "" >> $f cat ${client-key} >> $f echo "" >> $f fi ''; }