{ config, lib, pkgs, inputs, username, hostName, ... }: { imports = [ inputs.home-manager.nixosModules.home-manager inputs.stylix.nixosModules.stylix ./${hostName}.nix ./hardware-configuration/${hostName}.nix ]; nix = { enable = true; package = pkgs.nixVersions.latest; settings = { cores = 0; max-jobs = "auto"; trusted-users = [ "root" username ]; experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ]; auto-optimise-store = true; download-buffer-size = "2G"; substituters = [ "https://nix.xenia.me.uk" "https://cosmic.cachix.org/" ]; trusted-public-keys = [ "nix.xenia.me.uk:tlgwOaG5KMLjQUk2YaErS8mAG69ZCr3PaHXZYi+Y5eI=" "cosmic.cachix.org-1:Dya9IyXD4xdBehWjrkPv6rtxpmMdRel02smYzA85dPE=" ]; }; channel.enable = true; gc = { automatic = true; options = "--delete-older-than 7d"; }; optimise.automatic = true; registry.my-nixos = { from = { type = "indirect"; id = "my-nixos"; }; to = { type = "git"; url = "https://git.xenia.me.uk/pixelifytica/nixos.git?ref=main"; }; }; extraOptions = '' keep-outputs = false keep-derivations = false min-free = ${toString (100 * 1024 * 1024)} max-free = ${toString (1024 * 1024 * 1024)} ''; }; nixpkgs = { config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg: builtins.elem (lib.getName pkg) [ "steam" "steam-original" "steam-run" "steamcmd" "nomachine-client" ]; overlays = [ (final: prev: { inherit (inputs.plasma-manager.packages.${prev.system}) rc2nix; }) ]; }; system = { stateVersion = "23.05"; autoUpgrade = { enable = true; persistent = true; allowReboot = false; flake = "git+${config.nix.registry.my-nixos.to.url}"; dates = "02:00"; randomizedDelaySec = "5min"; flags = [ "--accept-flake-config" "--option" "extra-binary-caches" "https://nix.xenia.me.uk" ]; }; }; systemd.services = lib.mkIf config.system.autoUpgrade.enable { nixos-upgrade.serviceConfig = { CPUQuota = "75%"; CPUWeight = 20; IOWeight = 20; }; }; boot.loader = { systemd-boot.enable = true; efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; }; networking = { inherit hostName; networkmanager.enable = true; firewall.enable = true; nameservers = [ "" ]; }; users.users = let authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINI1dWlS16Keil0MGPWmMsBzx8F9ylfz+fRwxUr8/tZ/ ion" "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIC4M1zV3yLMMI1tYwdY9QDXJDlOBugm7UXKC+Xk89yHq pixelifytica@Vanguard" "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICPypUUGVAdpl0SHrUDVw0RureuFNsljrXQvrf0uc055 pixelifytica@Northstar" ]; in { root.openssh = { inherit authorizedKeys; }; ${username} = { isNormalUser = true; group = "users"; description = "Evie Litherland-Smith"; extraGroups = [ "networkmanager" "wheel" "video" "input" "uinput" "dialout" ]; initialHashedPassword = "$y$j9T$tHIPQt09Kf3KH2eIRze3g/$2mwSlcq27DTGvHNPJ5EP9/1CfL3bXP0F6oS/Vuffmn3"; openssh = { inherit authorizedKeys; }; }; }; home-manager = { useGlobalPkgs = true; useUserPackages = true; backupFileExtension = "backup"; users.${username} = { imports = [ ./home/default.nix ]; home = { inherit username; stateVersion = "23.05"; homeDirectory = "/home/${username}"; }; }; extraSpecialArgs = { inherit inputs; }; }; environment = { sessionVariables = { XDG_CONFIG_HOME = "$HOME/.config"; XDG_CACHE_HOME = "$HOME/.cache"; XDG_DATA_HOME = "$HOME/.local/share"; XDG_STATE_HOME = "$HOME/.local/state"; }; systemPackages = with pkgs; [ coreutils-full gnumake git file zip unzip curl wget dig wireguard-tools quickemu distrobox ]; localBinInPath = true; }; programs = { command-not-found.enable = false; ssh.startAgent = true; nano = { enable = true; syntaxHighlight = true; nanorc = '' set nowrap set tabstospaces set tabsize 2 ''; }; }; services = { passSecretService.enable = true; upower.enable = true; power-profiles-daemon.enable = true; system76-scheduler = { enable = true; useStockConfig = true; }; }; security.rtkit.enable = true; virtualisation.podman.enable = true; time.timeZone = "Europe/London"; i18n.defaultLocale = "en_GB.UTF-8"; console.useXkbConfig = true; stylix = { enable = true; image = ./home/wallpapers/landscapes/tropic_island_day.jpg; base16Scheme = "${pkgs.base16-schemes}/share/themes/one-light.yaml"; opacity.popups = 0.8; cursor = { package = pkgs.volantes-cursors; name = "volantes_cursors"; size = 32; }; fonts = { serif = { package = inputs.iosevka-custom.outputs.packages.${pkgs.system}.iosevka-custom-etoile; name = inputs.iosevka-custom.outputs.names.iosevka-custom-etoile; }; sansSerif = { package = inputs.iosevka-custom.outputs.packages.${pkgs.system}.iosevka-custom-aile; name = inputs.iosevka-custom.outputs.names.iosevka-custom-aile; }; monospace = { package = inputs.iosevka-custom.outputs.packages.${pkgs.system}.iosevka-custom-nerdfont; name = inputs.iosevka-custom.outputs.names.iosevka-custom-nerdfont; }; sizes = { applications = 12; desktop = 14; popups = 16; terminal = 12; }; }; }; fonts = { packages = (with config.stylix.fonts; [ serif.package sansSerif.package monospace.package emoji.package ]) ++ (with pkgs; [ lmodern # LaTeX font-awesome # Swappy Icons (nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "NerdFontsSymbolsOnly" ]; }) ]); fontconfig = { enable = true; defaultFonts = with config.stylix.fonts; { serif = [ serif.name ]; sansSerif = [ sansSerif.name ]; monospace = [ monospace.name ]; emoji = [ emoji.name ]; }; }; }; }