{config, ...}: { programs.foot = { enable = true; server.enable = true; settings = { main = { # term = "xterm-256color"; title = "foot"; locked-title = "no"; font = with config.stylix.fonts; "${monospace.name}:size=${toString sizes.applications}"; dpi-aware = "no"; pad = "10x10"; }; bell = { urgent = "no"; notify = "no"; visual = "no"; }; cursor = {blink = "yes";}; mouse = {hide-when-typing = "no";}; colors = with config.lib.stylix.colors; rec { alpha = config.stylix.opacity.terminal; background = base00; foreground = base05; regular0 = base02; regular1 = red; regular2 = green; regular3 = yellow; regular4 = blue; regular5 = magenta; regular6 = cyan; regular7 = base05; bright0 = base03; bright1 = regular1; bright2 = regular2; bright3 = regular3; bright4 = regular4; bright5 = regular5; bright6 = regular6; bright7 = base04; }; }; }; }