#+title: README * [0/3] Tasks ** TODO Re-write Hyprland config Convert from linked text file to proper nix expression (using home-manager) ** TODO Add Hyprland config tree-sitter parser [[https://github.com/luckasRanarison/tree-sitter-hypr][Source]] ** TODO Convert midnight commander config to use home-manager properly * Password store setup ** Transfer GPG key(s) #+begin_src bash # Export key on existing machine gpg --export-secret-keys > key.gpg # Import key on new machine gpg --import key.gpg # Edit (for each key) to set trust gpg --edit-key ... #+end_src ** Clone password-store repository #+begin_src bash git clone https://git.xenia.me.uk/xenia/pass $PASSWORD_STORE_DIR #+end_src * Email setup ** Proton *** Bridge Docker source: [[https://hub.docker.com/r/shenxn/protonmail-bridge][Docker]] / [[https://github.com/shenxn/protonmail-bridge-docker][GitHub - shenxn/protonmail-bridge-docker: ProtonMail IMAP/SMTP Bridge Docker ...]] To initialise: #+begin_src bash podman kill protonmail-bridge && \ podman run --rm -it -v protonmail:/root shenxn/protonmail-bridge init && \ podman kill protonmail-bridge #+end_src and follow normal login system for cli. systemd unit handles running container on boot after this. **** uidvalidity issue Remove uid lines from .mbsyncrc (in each mail directory) and delete .uidvalidity, re-run mbsync to fix *** Password Get password from protonmail-bridge, register with gnome-keyring: #+begin_src bash secret-tool store --label="Proton mail mbsync" email e.litherlandsmith@proton.me #+end_src ** iCloud *** Password Register app-password with gnome-keyring: #+begin_src bash secret-tool store --label="iCloud mail mbsync" email e.litherlandsmith@icloud.com #+end_src ** Outlook *** Password Register app-password with gnome-keyring: #+begin_src bash secret-tool store --label="Outlook mail mbsync" email evie.litherland-smith@ukaea.uk #+end_src *** Configuration On first run (or if token expires), stop systemd service and run manually to complete manual auth. Token will stay valid for a little while (no idea how long specifically). #+begin_src bash # Restart service to ensure ~/.davmail.properties exists systemctl --user restart davmail.service # Run to use manual authentication pkill davmail && \ davmail -notray ~/.davmail.properties && \ pkill davmail #+end_src * Vdirsyncer ** Password Register app-password with gnome-keyring; #+begin_src bash secret-tool store --label="NextCloud" url cloud.xenia.me.uk #+end_src