#!/usr/bin/env bash ################################################################## # Polybar Pulseaudio Control # # https://github.com/marioortizmanero/polybar-pulseaudio-control # ################################################################## # Deprecated values, to be removed in a next release. This is kept around to # be displayed for users using it in custom FORMAT # shellcheck disable=SC2034 ICON_SINK="Replaced by ICON_NODE, see https://github.com/marioortizmanero/polybar-pulseaudio-control/releases/tag/v3.0.0" SINK_NICKNAME="Replaced by NODE_NICKNAME, see https://github.com/marioortizmanero/polybar-pulseaudio-control/releases/tag/v3.0.0" # Defaults for configurable values, expected to be set by command-line arguments AUTOSYNC="no" COLOR_MUTED="%{F#6b6b6b}" ICON_MUTED= ICON_NODE= NODE_TYPE="output" NOTIFICATIONS="no" OSD="no" NODE_NICKNAMES_PROP= VOLUME_STEP=2 VOLUME_MAX=130 LISTEN_TIMEOUT=0.05 # shellcheck disable=SC2016 FORMAT='$VOL_ICON ${VOL_LEVEL}% $ICON_NODE $NODE_NICKNAME' declare -A NODE_NICKNAMES declare -a ICONS_VOLUME declare -a NODE_BLACKLIST # Special variable: within the script, pactl, grep, and awk commands are used # on sinks or sources, depending on NODE_TYPE. # # The commands are almost always the same, except for the sink/source part. # In order to reduce duplication, this variable is used for commands that behave # the same, regardless of the NODE_TYPE. # # Having only the "radix" (ink/ource) and omitting the first letter enables us # to use that single variable: # # S-ink , s-ink , s-ink -s, S-ink -s # S-ource, s-ource, s-ource-s, S-ource-s SINK_OR_SOURCE="ink" # Environment & global constants for the script export LC_ALL=C # Some calls depend on English outputs of pactl END_COLOR="%{F-}" # For Polybar colors # Saves the currently default node into a variable named `curNode`. It will # return an error code when pulseaudio isn't running. function getCurNode() { if ! pactl info &>/dev/null; then return 1; fi local curNodeName curNodeName=$(pactl info | awk "/Default S${SINK_OR_SOURCE}: / {print \$3}") curNode=$(pactl list "s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}s" | grep -B 4 -E "Name: $curNodeName\$" | sed -nE "s/^S${SINK_OR_SOURCE} #([0-9]+)$/\1/p") } # Saves the node passed by parameter's volume into a variable named `VOL_LEVEL`. function getCurVol() { VOL_LEVEL=$(pactl list "s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}s" | grep -A 15 -E "^S${SINK_OR_SOURCE} #$1\$" | grep 'Volume:' | grep -E -v 'Base Volume:' | awk -F : '{print $3; exit}' | grep -o -P '.{0,3}%' | sed 's/.$//' | tr -d ' ') } # Saves the name of the node passed by parameter into a variable named # `nodeName`. function getNodeName() { nodeName=$(pactl list "s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}s" short | awk -v sink="$1" "{ if (\$1 == sink) {print \$2} }") portName=$(pactl list "s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}s" | grep -e "S${SINK_OR_SOURCE} #" -e 'Active Port: ' | sed -n "/^S${SINK_OR_SOURCE} #$1\$/,+1p" | awk '/Active Port: / {print $3}') } # Saves the name to be displayed for the node passed by parameter into a # variable called `NODE_NICKNAME`. # If a mapping for the node name exists, that is used. Otherwise, the string # "Node #" is used. function getNickname() { getNodeName "$1" unset NODE_NICKNAME if [ -n "$nodeName" ] && [ -n "$portName" ] && [ -n "${NODE_NICKNAMES[$nodeName/$portName]}" ]; then NODE_NICKNAME="${NODE_NICKNAMES[$nodeName/$portName]}" elif [ -n "$nodeName" ] && [ -n "${NODE_NICKNAMES[$nodeName]}" ]; then NODE_NICKNAME="${NODE_NICKNAMES[$nodeName]}" elif [ -n "$nodeName" ]; then # No exact match could be found, try a Glob Match for glob in "${!NODE_NICKNAMES[@]}"; do # shellcheck disable=SC2053 # Disable Shellcheck warning for Glob-Matching if [[ "$nodeName/$portName" == $glob ]] || [[ "$nodeName" == $glob ]]; then NODE_NICKNAME="${NODE_NICKNAMES[$glob]}" # Cache that result for next time NODE_NICKNAMES["$nodeName"]="$NODE_NICKNAME" break fi done fi if [ -z "$NODE_NICKNAME" ] && [ -n "$nodeName" ] && [ -n "$NODE_NICKNAMES_PROP" ]; then getNicknameFromProp "$NODE_NICKNAMES_PROP" "$nodeName" # Cache that result for next time NODE_NICKNAMES["$nodeName"]="$NODE_NICKNAME" elif [ -z "$NODE_NICKNAME" ]; then NODE_NICKNAME="S${SINK_OR_SOURCE} #$1" fi } # Gets node nickname based on a given property. function getNicknameFromProp() { local nickname_prop="$1" local for_name="$2" NODE_NICKNAME= while read -r property value; do case "$property" in Name:) node_name="$value" unset node_desc ;; "$nickname_prop") if [ "$node_name" != "$for_name" ]; then continue fi NODE_NICKNAME="${value:3:-1}" break ;; esac done < <(pactl list "s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}s") } # Saves the status of the node passed by parameter into a variable named # `IS_MUTED`. function getIsMuted() { IS_MUTED=$(pactl list "s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}s" | grep -E "^S${SINK_OR_SOURCE} #$1\$" -A 15 | awk '/Mute: / {print $2}') } # Saves all the sink inputs of the sink passed by parameter into a string # named `sinkInputs`. function getSinkInputs() { sinkInputs=$(pactl list sink-inputs | grep -B 4 "Sink: $1" | sed -nE "s/^Sink Input #([0-9]+)\$/\1/p") } # Saves all the source outputs of the source passed by parameter into a string # named `sourceOutputs`. function getSourceOutputs() { sourceOutputs=$(pactl list source-outputs | grep -B 4 "Source: $1" | sed -nE "s/^Source Output #([0-9]+)\$/\1/p") } function volUp() { # Obtaining the current volume from pulseaudio into $VOL_LEVEL. if ! getCurNode; then echo "PulseAudio not running" return 1 fi getCurVol "$curNode" local maxLimit=$((VOLUME_MAX - VOLUME_STEP)) # Checking the volume upper bounds so that if VOLUME_MAX was 100% and the # increase percentage was 3%, a 99% volume would top at 100% instead # of 102%. If the volume is above the maximum limit, nothing is done. if [ "$VOL_LEVEL" -le "$VOLUME_MAX" ] && [ "$VOL_LEVEL" -ge "$maxLimit" ]; then pactl "set-s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}-volume" "$curNode" "$VOLUME_MAX%" elif [ "$VOL_LEVEL" -lt "$maxLimit" ]; then pactl "set-s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}-volume" "$curNode" "+$VOLUME_STEP%" fi if [ $OSD = "yes" ]; then showOSD "$curNode"; fi if [ $AUTOSYNC = "yes" ]; then volSync; fi } function volDown() { # Pactl already handles the volume lower bounds so that negative values # are ignored. if ! getCurNode; then echo "PulseAudio not running" return 1 fi pactl "set-s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}-volume" "$curNode" "-$VOLUME_STEP%" if [ $OSD = "yes" ]; then showOSD "$curNode"; fi if [ $AUTOSYNC = "yes" ]; then volSync; fi } function volSync() { # This will only be called if $AUTOSYNC is `yes`. if ! getCurNode; then echo "PulseAudio not running" return 1 fi getCurVol "$curNode" if [[ "$NODE_TYPE" = "output" ]]; then getSinkInputs "$curNode" # Every output found in the active sink has their volume set to the # current one. for each in $sinkInputs; do pactl "set-sink-input-volume" "$each" "$VOL_LEVEL%" done else getSourceOutputs "$curNode" # Every input found in the active source has their volume set to the # current one. for each in $sourceOutputs; do pactl "set-source-output-volume" "$each" "$VOL_LEVEL%" done fi } function volMute() { # Switch to mute/unmute the volume with pactl. if ! getCurNode; then echo "PulseAudio not running" return 1 fi if [ "$1" = "toggle" ]; then getIsMuted "$curNode" if [ "$IS_MUTED" = "yes" ]; then pactl "set-s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}-mute" "$curNode" "no" else pactl "set-s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}-mute" "$curNode" "yes" fi elif [ "$1" = "mute" ]; then pactl "set-s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}-mute" "$curNode" "yes" elif [ "$1" = "unmute" ]; then pactl "set-s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}-mute" "$curNode" "no" fi if [ $OSD = "yes" ]; then showOSD "$curNode"; fi } function nextNode() { # The final nodes list, removing the blacklisted ones from the list of # currently available nodes. if ! getCurNode; then echo "PulseAudio not running" return 1 fi # Obtaining a tuple of node indexes after removing the blacklisted devices # with their name. nodes=() local i=0 while read -r line; do index=$(echo "$line" | cut -f1) name=$(echo "$line" | cut -f2) # If it's in the blacklist, continue the main loop. Otherwise, add # it to the list. for node in "${NODE_BLACKLIST[@]}"; do # shellcheck disable=SC2053 # Disable Shellcheck warning for Glob-Matching if [[ "$name" == $node ]]; then continue 2 fi done nodes[i]="$index" i=$((i + 1)) done < <(pactl list short "s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}s" | sort -n) # If the resulting list is empty, nothing is done if [ ${#nodes[@]} -eq 0 ]; then return; fi # If the current node is greater or equal than last one, pick the first # node in the list. Otherwise just pick the next node avaliable. local newNode if [ "$curNode" -ge "${nodes[-1]}" ]; then newNode=${nodes[0]} else for node in "${nodes[@]}"; do if [ "$curNode" -lt "$node" ]; then newNode=$node break fi done fi # The new node is set pactl "set-default-s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}" "$newNode" # Move all audio threads to new node local inputs if [[ "$NODE_TYPE" = "output" ]]; then inputs="$(pactl list short sink-inputs | cut -f 1)" for i in $inputs; do pactl move-sink-input "$i" "$newNode" done else outputs="$(pactl list short source-outputs | cut -f 1)" for i in $outputs; do pactl move-source-output "$i" "$newNode" done fi if [ $NOTIFICATIONS = "yes" ]; then getNickname "$newNode" if command -v dunstify &>/dev/null; then notify="dunstify --replace 201839192" else notify="notify-send" fi $notify "PulseAudio" "Changed $NODE_TYPE to $NODE_NICKNAME" --icon=audio-headphones-symbolic & fi } # This function assumes that PulseAudio is already running. It only supports # KDE OSDs for now. It will show a system message with the status of the # node passed by parameter, or the currently active one by default. function showOSD() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then curNode="$1" else getCurNode fi getCurVol "$curNode" getIsMuted "$curNode" qdbus org.kde.kded /modules/kosd showVolume "$VOL_LEVEL" "$IS_MUTED" } function listen() { # If this is the first time start by printing the current state. Otherwise, # directly wait for events. This is to prevent the module being empty until # an event occurs. output # Listen for changes and immediately create new output for the bar. # This is faster than having the script on an interval. pactl subscribe 2>/dev/null | grep --line-buffered -e "on \(card\|s${SINK_OR_SOURCE}\|server\)" | { while read -r; do # Output the new state output # Read all stdin to flush unwanted pending events, i.e. if there are # 15 events at the same time (100ms window), output is only called # twice. read -r -d '' -t "$LISTEN_TIMEOUT" -n 10000 # After the 100ms waiting time, output again the state, as it may # have changed if the user did an action during the 100ms window. output done } } function output() { if ! getCurNode; then echo "PulseAudio not running" return 1 fi getCurVol "$curNode" getIsMuted "$curNode" # Fixed volume icons over max volume local iconsLen=${#ICONS_VOLUME[@]} if [ "$iconsLen" -ne 0 ]; then local volSplit=$((VOLUME_MAX / iconsLen)) for i in $(seq 1 "$iconsLen"); do if [ $((i * volSplit)) -ge "$VOL_LEVEL" ]; then VOL_ICON="${ICONS_VOLUME[$((i-1))]}" break fi done else VOL_ICON="" fi getNickname "$curNode" # Showing the formatted message if [ "$IS_MUTED" = "yes" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2034 VOL_ICON=$ICON_MUTED content="$(eval echo "$FORMAT")" if [ -n "$COLOR_MUTED" ]; then echo "${COLOR_MUTED}${content}${END_COLOR}" else echo "$content" fi else eval echo "$FORMAT" fi } function usage() { echo "\ Usage: $0 [OPTION...] ACTION Terminology: A node represents either a sink (output) or source (input). Options: --autosync | --no-autosync Whether to maintain same volume for all programs. Default: \"$AUTOSYNC\" --color-muted Color in which to format when muted. Pass empty string to disable. Default: \"${COLOR_MUTED:4:-1}\" --notifications | --no-notifications Whether to show notifications when changing nodes. Default: \"$NOTIFICATIONS\" --osd | --no-osd Whether to display KDE's OSD message. Default: \"$OSD\" --icon-muted Icon to use when muted. Default: none --icon-node Icon to use for node. Default: none --format Use a format string to control the output. Remember to pass this argument wrapped in single quotes (\`'\`) instead of double quotes (\`\"\`) to avoid your shell from evaluating the variables early. Available variables: * \$VOL_ICON * \$VOL_LEVEL * \$ICON_NODE * \$NODE_NICKNAME * \$IS_MUTED (yes/no) Default: '$FORMAT' --icons-volume [,...] Icons for volume, from lower to higher. Default: none --node-type Whether to consider PulseAudio sinks (output) or sources (input). All the operations of pulseaudio-control will apply to one of the two. Pass \`input\` for the sources, e.g. a microphone. Pass \`output\` for the sinks, e.g. speakers, headphones. Default: \"$NODE_TYPE\" --volume-max Maximum volume to which to allow increasing. Default: \"$VOLUME_MAX\" --volume-step Step size when inc/decrementing volume. Default: \"$VOLUME_STEP\" --node-blacklist [,...] Nodes to ignore when switching. You can use globs. Don't forget to quote the string when using globs, to avoid unwanted shell glob extension. Default: none --node-nicknames-from pactl property to use for node names, unless overridden by --node-nickname. Its possible values are listed under the 'Properties' key in the output of \`pactl list sinks\` and \`pactl list sources\`. Default: none --node-nickname : Nickname to assign to given node name, taking priority over --node-nicknames-from. May be given multiple times, and 'name' is exactly as listed in the output of \`pactl list sinks short | cut -f2\` and \`pactl list sources short | cut -f2\`. Note that you can also specify a port name for the node with \`/\`. It is also possible to use glob matching to match node and port names. Exact matches are prioritized. Don't forget to quote the string when using globs, to avoid unwanted shell glob extension. Default: none --listen-timeout-secs The listen command updates the output as soon as it receives an event from PulseAudio. However, events are often accompanied by many other useless ones, which may result in unnecessary consecutive output updates. This script buffers the following events until a timeout is reached to avoid this scenario, which lessens the CPU load on events. However, this may result in noticeable latency when performing many actions quickly (e.g., updating the volume with the mouse wheel). You can specify what timeout to use to control the responsiveness, in seconds. Default: \"$LISTEN_TIMEOUT\" Actions: help display this message and exit output print the PulseAudio status once listen listen for changes in PulseAudio to automatically update this script's output up, down increase or decrease the default node's volume mute, unmute mute or unmute the default node's audio togmute switch between muted and unmuted next-node switch to the next available node sync synchronize all the output streams volume to be the same as the current node's volume Author: Mario Ortiz Manero More info on GitHub: https://github.com/marioortizmanero/polybar-pulseaudio-control" } # Obtains the value for an option and returns 1 if no shift is needed. function getOptVal() { if [[ "$1" = *=* ]]; then val="${1//*=/}" return 1 fi val="$2" } # Parsing the options from the arguments while [[ "$1" = --* ]]; do unset arg unset val arg="$1" case "$arg" in --autosync) AUTOSYNC=yes ;; --no-autosync) AUTOSYNC=no ;; --color-muted|--colour-muted) if getOptVal "$@"; then shift; fi COLOR_MUTED="%{F#$val}" ;; --notifications) NOTIFICATIONS=yes ;; --no-notifications) NOTIFICATIONS=no ;; --osd) OSD=yes ;; --no-osd) OSD=no ;; --icon-muted) if getOptVal "$@"; then shift; fi ICON_MUTED="$val" ;; --icon-node) if getOptVal "$@"; then shift; fi # shellcheck disable=SC2034 ICON_NODE="$val" ;; --icons-volume) if getOptVal "$@"; then shift; fi IFS=, read -r -a ICONS_VOLUME <<< "${val//[[:space:]]/}" ;; --volume-max) if getOptVal "$@"; then shift; fi VOLUME_MAX="$val" ;; --volume-step) if getOptVal "$@"; then shift; fi VOLUME_STEP="$val" ;; --node-blacklist) if getOptVal "$@"; then shift; fi IFS=, read -r -a NODE_BLACKLIST <<< "${val//[[:space:]]/}" ;; --node-nicknames-from) if getOptVal "$@"; then shift; fi NODE_NICKNAMES_PROP="$val" ;; --node-nickname) if getOptVal "$@"; then shift; fi NODE_NICKNAMES["${val//:*/}"]="${val//*:}" ;; --format) if getOptVal "$@"; then shift; fi FORMAT="$val" ;; --node-type) if getOptVal "$@"; then shift; fi if [[ "$val" != "output" && "$val" != "input" ]]; then echo "node-type must be 'output' or 'input', got '$val'" >&2 exit 1 fi NODE_TYPE="$val" SINK_OR_SOURCE=$([ "$NODE_TYPE" == "output" ] && echo "ink" || echo "ource") ;; --listen-timeout-secs) if getOptVal "$@"; then shift; fi LISTEN_TIMEOUT="$val" ;; # Deprecated options, to be removed in a next release --icon-sink) echo "Replaced by --icon-node, see https://github.com/marioortizmanero/polybar-pulseaudio-control/releases/tag/v3.0.0" >&2 exit 1 ;; --sink-blacklist) echo "Replaced by --node-blacklist, see https://github.com/marioortizmanero/polybar-pulseaudio-control/releases/tag/v3.0.0" >&2 exit 1 ;; --sink-nicknames-from) echo "Replaced by --node-nicknames-from, see https://github.com/marioortizmanero/polybar-pulseaudio-control/releases/tag/v3.0.0" >&2 exit 1 ;; --sink-nickname) echo "Replaced by --node-nickname, see https://github.com/marioortizmanero/polybar-pulseaudio-control/releases/tag/v3.0.0" >&2 exit 1 ;; # Undocumented because the `help` action already exists, but makes the # help message more accessible. --help) usage exit 0 ;; *) echo "Unrecognised option: $arg" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac shift done # Parsing the action from the arguments case "$1" in up) volUp ;; down) volDown ;; togmute) volMute toggle ;; mute) volMute mute ;; unmute) volMute unmute ;; sync) volSync ;; listen) listen ;; next-node) nextNode ;; output) output ;; help) usage ;; # Deprecated action, to be removed in a next release next-sink) echo "Replaced by next-node, see https://github.com/marioortizmanero/polybar-pulseaudio-control/releases/tag/v3.0.0" >&2 exit 1 ;; "") echo "No action specified. Run \`$0 help\` for more information." >&2 ;; *) echo "Unrecognised action: $1" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac