{ config, pkgs, anyrun, ... }: { imports = [ anyrun.homeManagerModules.default ]; home.packages = with pkgs; [ rink (pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/kidex/default.nix { }) ]; programs.anyrun = { enable = true; config = { plugins = with anyrun.packages.${pkgs.system}; [ applications dictionary kidex randr rink shell symbols translate websearch ]; width.fraction = 0.3; y.absolute = 15; hidePluginInfo = true; closeOnClick = true; }; extraCss = builtins.readFile ./style.css; extraConfigFiles."websearch.ron".source = ./websearch.ron; }; xdg.configFile."kidex.ron".text = with config.home; '' Config( ignored: [".git*"], // A list of patterns to be ignored in all directories directories: [ WatchDir( path: "${homeDirectory}/Documents", // The root folder to be indexed recurse: true, // Recursively index and watch all subfolders ignored: [], // Ignore patterns specifically for this directory ), WatchDir( path: "${homeDirectory}/Desktop", // The root folder to be indexed recurse: true, // Recursively index and watch all subfolders ignored: [], // Ignore patterns specifically for this directory ), WatchDir( path: "${homeDirectory}/Downloads", // The root folder to be indexed recurse: true, // Recursively index and watch all subfolders ignored: [], // Ignore patterns specifically for this directory ), WatchDir( path: "${homeDirectory}/Projects", // The root folder to be indexed recurse: true, // Recursively index and watch all subfolders ignored: [], // Ignore patterns specifically for this directory ), WatchDir( path: "${homeDirectory}/Org", // The root folder to be indexed recurse: true, // Recursively index and watch all subfolders ignored: [], // Ignore patterns specifically for this directory ), WatchDir( path: "${homeDirectory}/References", // The root folder to be indexed recurse: true, // Recursively index and watch all subfolders ignored: [], // Ignore patterns specifically for this directory ), ], ) ''; }