local util = require 'utility' local guide = require 'parser.guide' ---@class vm local vm = require 'vm.vm' ---@class parser.object ---@field package _localID string|false ---@field package _localIDs table local compileLocalID, getLocal local compileSwitch = util.switch() : case 'local' : case 'self' : call(function (source) source._localID = ('%d'):format(source.start) if not source.ref then return end for _, ref in ipairs(source.ref) do compileLocalID(ref) end end) : case 'setlocal' : case 'getlocal' : call(function (source) source._localID = ('%d'):format(source.node.start) compileLocalID(source.next) end) : case 'getfield' : case 'setfield' : call(function (source) local parentID = source.node._localID if not parentID then return end local key = guide.getKeyName(source) if type(key) ~= 'string' then return end source._localID = parentID .. vm.ID_SPLITE .. key source.field._localID = source._localID if source.type == 'getfield' then compileLocalID(source.next) end end) : case 'getmethod' : case 'setmethod' : call(function (source) local parentID = source.node._localID if not parentID then return end local key = guide.getKeyName(source) if type(key) ~= 'string' then return end source._localID = parentID .. vm.ID_SPLITE .. key source.method._localID = source._localID if source.type == 'getmethod' then compileLocalID(source.next) end end) : case 'getindex' : case 'setindex' : call(function (source) local parentID = source.node._localID if not parentID then return end local key = guide.getKeyName(source) if type(key) ~= 'string' then return end source._localID = parentID .. vm.ID_SPLITE .. key source.index._localID = source._localID if source.type == 'setindex' then compileLocalID(source.next) end end) local leftSwitch = util.switch() : case 'field' : case 'method' : call(function (source) return getLocal(source.parent) end) : case 'getfield' : case 'setfield' : case 'getmethod' : case 'setmethod' : case 'getindex' : case 'setindex' : call(function (source) return getLocal(source.node) end) : case 'getlocal' : call(function (source) return source.node end) : case 'local' : case 'self' : call(function (source) return source end) ---@param source parser.object ---@return parser.object? function getLocal(source) return leftSwitch(source.type, source) end ---@param id string ---@param source parser.object function vm.insertLocalID(id, source) local root = guide.getRoot(source) if not root._localIDs then root._localIDs = util.multiTable(2, function () return { sets = {}, gets = {}, } end) end local sources = root._localIDs[id] if guide.isSet(source) then sources.sets[#sources.sets+1] = source else sources.gets[#sources.gets+1] = source end end function compileLocalID(source) if not source then return end source._localID = false if not compileSwitch:has(source.type) then return end compileSwitch(source.type, source) local id = source._localID if not id then return end vm.insertLocalID(id, source) end ---@param source parser.object ---@return string|false function vm.getLocalID(source) if source._localID ~= nil then return source._localID end source._localID = false local loc = getLocal(source) if not loc then return source._localID end compileLocalID(loc) return source._localID end ---@param source parser.object ---@param key? string ---@return parser.object[]? function vm.getLocalSourcesSets(source, key) local id = vm.getLocalID(source) if not id then return nil end local root = guide.getRoot(source) if not root._localIDs then return nil end if key then if type(key) ~= 'string' then return nil end id = id .. vm.ID_SPLITE .. key end return root._localIDs[id].sets end ---@param source parser.object ---@param key? string ---@return parser.object[]? function vm.getLocalSourcesGets(source, key) local id = vm.getLocalID(source) if not id then return nil end local root = guide.getRoot(source) if not root._localIDs then return nil end if key then if type(key) ~= 'string' then return nil end id = id .. vm.ID_SPLITE .. key end return root._localIDs[id].gets end ---@param source parser.object ---@param includeGets boolean ---@return parser.object[]? function vm.getLocalFields(source, includeGets) local id = vm.getLocalID(source) if not id then return nil end local root = guide.getRoot(source) if not root._localIDs then return nil end -- TODOļ¼šoptimize local clock = os.clock() local fields = {} for lid, sources in pairs(root._localIDs) do if lid ~= id and util.stringStartWith(lid, id) and lid:sub(#id + 1, #id + 1) == vm.ID_SPLITE -- only one field and not lid:find(vm.ID_SPLITE, #id + 2) then for _, src in ipairs(sources.sets) do fields[#fields+1] = src end if includeGets then for _, src in ipairs(sources.gets) do fields[#fields+1] = src end end end end local cost = os.clock() - clock if cost > 1.0 then log.warn('local-id getFields takes %.3f seconds', cost) end return fields end