1c81b45af9Disable syntax during diff again for onehalf
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-02-22 09:35:42 +0000
f07b34e790Add checks for true colour support in terminal (visual only)
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-02-22 09:05:59 +0000
3fe142b8caKeep syntax highlighting even on diff
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-02-19 13:41:46 +0000
519cf87831Add onehalf theme, set as default + theme for lightline
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-02-19 09:59:49 +0000
daa10cd4f3Add monokai_pro theme, move themes to better place
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-02-12 15:18:00 +0000
f4caa3d868Add colorcolumn to highlight lines too long, set textwidth for python files
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-02-11 17:03:29 +0000
af4d768026Fix for Vim8.2 in WSL starting in REPLACE mode
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-02-11 15:56:03 +0000
9ece6e7600Add some notes on compiling vim
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-02-11 15:53:09 +0000
442b41ccd0Add vim source as submodule, to always build from a consistent version
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-02-11 14:41:55 +0000
9aa5247f27Add jedi plugin for python file completion
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-02-04 15:39:00 +0000
aa00def90cAdd help tags generation to vimrc
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-02-04 08:46:53 +0000
eb638bf4d8Add tmux-navigator plugin
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-02-02 11:35:57 +0000
06aa965488Add better python syntax highlighting
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-01-26 10:48:17 +0000
c911384504Hide dotfiles in explorer by default
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-01-26 10:34:44 +0000
4f72369350Move ALE to start, enable completion for omnifunc
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-01-22 13:54:21 +0000
d3960cf92fAdd vim-markdown and tabular for better markdown formatting
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-01-22 13:34:45 +0000
abeb2a9e02Add BufOnly command to close all buffers other than current
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-01-20 14:51:32 +0000
142223cf0eAdd shortcut to close buffer whilst keeping split (Bd)
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-01-07 09:13:12 +0000
5f326d48bdSet spelling locally, set autoread
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-01-07 08:59:23 +0000
bcebc3f79eRemove custom '[' and ']', install vim unimpaired instead
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-01-05 09:12:27 +0000
9d262f2bc2Add shortcuts for navigating quick fix menu
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-01-04 14:20:59 +0000
711c00e23aAdd Esc remapping
Edward Litherland-Smith
2021-01-04 09:08:22 +0000
138a641f03Turn on spellcheck in markdown files
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-22 13:59:36 +0000
13876a2ab2Stop text wrapping from breaking words
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-21 08:52:45 +0000
71fc49c2b9Move ale to /opt so it's not started automatically. Just start with ':packadd ale' then reload open file(s)
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-18 13:39:08 +0000
f093ef8b6bAdd various plugins, configure lightline
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-18 10:38:50 +0000
a673d5391aMove onedark, don't load automatically
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-18 09:40:04 +0000
4e8cd3a0e5Remove nerdtree, vim Explore works just as well (if not better)
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-18 09:26:05 +0000
df0c9a5d62Add tab character for listchars
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-18 09:18:50 +0000
f9c87114ccAdd .ipynb syntax highlighting as json
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-17 09:49:27 +0000
d54fc6ed05Rename .vimrc to vimrc within repository files for convenience
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-17 09:38:02 +0000
a589dddd0aRearrange tab settings to avoid duplications/set defualts. Remove empty fortran.vim (for now) and add settings for markdown files
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-16 16:32:50 +0000
f94c7b57bdReturn to using defaults liek vim7 (to restore backspace functionality)
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-16 11:59:29 +0000
3f7bdf8421Remove tab from listchars
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-16 11:52:51 +0000
e816c5f060Add listchar setup for tabs and trailing whitespace
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-16 09:04:07 +0000
c8364bacadAdd file specific indent settings, .gitignore
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-16 08:49:19 +0000
f7c6c8267fChange default colorscheme to slate
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-16 08:18:32 +0000
95380112e7Add auto-pairs
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-15 21:39:02 +0000
9698058395Add NERDTree and git plugin
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-15 21:35:16 +0000
24dc19958aDon't use onedark as default, but keep available
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-15 21:13:48 +0000
32633c18d9Add onedark theme and lightline status bar
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-15 21:12:08 +0000
a6398b3db5Add README
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-15 21:03:30 +0000
5de8ad126cInitial commit
Edward Litherland-Smith
2020-12-15 21:01:32 +0000