Python and lua live under programming, with programming/default.nix
importing both and including misc tools that don't fit anywhere else
Texlive move to own directory
Ensure it's run before use-package is used or theme is loaded, since
nix puts these at the start of the extra config block
Run vdirsyncer when khalel first loaded, before importing, to make
sure things are up to date. No run at startup so only affects when
first opening email/org-agenda
Combine with extraConfig.el as init.el
Add missing ligature package
Remove sync-emacs script and alias, set sync-all back to actually
syncing everything
Move system/home/default.nix into system/default.nix,
system/home/desktop/default.nix into system/desktop.nix to reduce
unnecessary duplication. Moved everything in home/desktop up to home/
and adjusted paths accordingly. Moved wallpapers up to system/ since
it makes sense with where it's used.
Merge allowUnfreePredicate into single place again since it seems to
override rather than combine if used multiple times.
Install NoMachine on all machines again by default.
Add separate config files for waybar, fuzzel, mako
Enable gnome-keyring as secret-service, with seahorse for interface
Restructure desktop-related things into a desktop directory
git-sync service works now that I'm using libsecret for git auth.
Remove password-store from service, manage manually. Considering
switch to proton pass anyway.
Copy gpg and gpg-agent config to emacs/default.nix in case I switch
away from password-store.
Remove fonts and scheme from base system, update uses of to point to
stylix instead.
Remove some left over files from the earlier rearrange.
Disable waybar stylix target - TODO write a custom moustache at some
point to re-enable with my custom style
Add stylix with theme, font and image configuration.
Change all relevant (current) options to that nix evaluates without
error, not fully tested yet though.
Remove plasma manager and associated components.
Condensed some files - remove some standalone files for packages with
much smaller configuration now that they're not being manually themed.