Move home/ directory under system/ directory. Remove duplicated
machine-specific config files, now handled as one per host (excluding
hardware-configuration directory)
Move as much configuration as possible out of flake.nix and into more
appropriate files (e.g. system/default.nix)
Add a desktop.nix and laptop.nix for system, both will import
home/desktop.nix and home/laptop.nix respectively to reduce
duplication in machine-specific config files
Remove games and streaming directories, moved directly into Vanguard
config file
Remove home/personal.nix since it ended up being empty after changes
Remove old sway config since I haven't been maintaining it and this
refactor will definitely break it
Fetch pinned version of nixpkgs-unstable to get newer papermcServer
Remove since it doesn't actually handle the port
redirection anyway...
Move plasma-manager import to plasma config file, no need to import if
not using plasma desktop
Add libnotify to default installed packages for desktop environment
Split system-level sway and plasma config into separate files, move
sway-specific home-level config to sway file. Only truly common
desktop components are kept in common spaces. This allows much easier
switching between using KDE Plasma and Sway.
Add gnome-keyring as libsecret backend, swap git-credential-helper and
mbsync to using libsecret/secret-tool. Add helper script to check for
and request mbsync passwords if missing. Add GNOME Seahorse for
viewing passwords graphically.
Remove email/work.nix and merge back into default.nix
Don't auto start protonmail-bridge, use the GUI instead so it doesn't
need to unlock all my keychains immediately
Move 3D modelling software to Vanguard only, instead of all personal
Move waybar back to top of screen and adjust all corner radii to 5px
from 10px
Re-enable swayfx blur_ignore_transparent now that it's added to
nixpkgs, re-enable shadows
Place home-manager config under home directory, move system config
under system directory.
Add hostname-specific entries under home directory to be consistent
with how system is configured, update flake accordingly
Made swayfx the standard, added nixos system-level module to enable
and autostart with greetd; Includes fix for missing session that
should be fixed in later nixpkgs versions
Fixed formatting for waybar workspaces module, wasn't showing active
or empty workspaces correctly
Added most config, at least enough to get by for now
Update waybar config to remove hyprland-specific things
Misc updates to rofi, swaylock
Set greetd to start sway on machines by default now