Add FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font as primary font to use, keep Iosevka
for now until I'm sure about it. Also add a few fun fonts (VictorMono
for it's ridiculous cursive italics, HeavyData because it's basically
illegible but looks fun to use for certain applications)
Move all nerdfont definition into a single package override in
stylix.nix, remove from fonts.packages list as stylix handles adding
this automatically
Move autoUpgrade, nix registry and stylix settings to their own files, only
import autoUpgrade on desktops and server
Add laptop system file to control power management
Move some bits from flake.nix to default.nix and desktop.nix where
Remove gitFull and associated secret-store auth save mechanism
Also set default pinentry flavour to curses, but still set to gnome3
in hyprland setup - provides fall back for non-GUI interfaces
Switch remaining catppuccin to tokyonight, using stylix to generate GTK
theme now
Switch SDDM for LightDM (uses stylix theme), enable plymouth boot
Make Hyprland window rules (not launch binds) silent now
Move commonModule into system/default.nix
Keep most essential parts (user definition, home-manager init) in
flake.nix but move rest to system/default.nix
Remove some tui expressions from home and add all to home/default.nix,
will always want those so always use
Disable gamescope session unless gamescope.nix imported
Move various home.package definitions to environment.systemPackage in
system/ expressions, located based on appropriate use
Move wallpapers directory due to restructure, no other changes to it