Add more tagging rules to afew
Change syncing setup to run mbsync less frequently (every 30 mins) but
sync inboxes in notmuch pre hook.
Imapnotify can now just call notmuch
Update conditions to refresh notmuch-indicator (emacs)
Add afew to handle new email tagging and moving archived or deleted
Add more notmuch emacs config - fcc dirs based on send address, saved
searches default to tree view, better modeline icon
Move emacs package definition (with emacsPackages) to system/emacs.nix
Keep user config in home-manager as emacs service is installed as user
Remove extra expressions (formatters, lsp_servers) and bring back into
Move config/ directory contents up one level
emacs/default.nix now links new init.el and modules directories (mine
and crafted-emacs) to ~/.config/emacs/
emacs/default.nix installs emacs29-pgtk with packages as needed in
module *-config.el definitions
Add tree-sitter with required parsers
Remove doom-emacs and places it was set