Combine with extraConfig.el as init.el
Add missing ligature package
Remove sync-emacs script and alias, set sync-all back to actually
syncing everything
Remove fonts and scheme from base system, update uses of to point to
stylix instead.
Remove some left over files from the earlier rearrange.
Disable waybar stylix target - TODO write a custom moustache at some
point to re-enable with my custom style
Add stylix with theme, font and image configuration.
Change all relevant (current) options to that nix evaluates without
error, not fully tested yet though.
Remove plasma manager and associated components.
Condensed some files - remove some standalone files for packages with
much smaller configuration now that they're not being manually themed.
Change opacity of desktop components to that floating / pop-up windows
are translucent, and base windows are opaque.
Add zellij back (with config), but not starting by default. Add zellij
config directory to rsync-local-config script.
Fix login shell to bash, remove passthrough.
Set Konsole default command to launch fish, for use as interactive
shell without potential issues that come from being the login shell
Move some configured shell utilities to their own files in shell
directory, stop importing zsh config (replaced by fish)
Move home/ directory under system/ directory. Remove duplicated
machine-specific config files, now handled as one per host (excluding
hardware-configuration directory)
Move as much configuration as possible out of flake.nix and into more
appropriate files (e.g. system/default.nix)
Add a desktop.nix and laptop.nix for system, both will import
home/desktop.nix and home/laptop.nix respectively to reduce
duplication in machine-specific config files
Remove games and streaming directories, moved directly into Vanguard
config file
Remove home/personal.nix since it ended up being empty after changes
Remove old sway config since I haven't been maintaining it and this
refactor will definitely break it