Switch back to using nm-connection-editor and blueman-manager

Adjust positioning to be on the bottom left corner, to fit better with
waybar position
This commit is contained in:
Evie Litherland-Smith 2025-01-06 09:26:11 +00:00
parent 44a2cb9c6b
commit f0cc42a1ae
3 changed files with 261 additions and 265 deletions

View file

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
printing.enable = true;
tumbler.enable = true;
udisks2.enable = true;
blueman.enable = config.hardware.bluetooth.enable;
gnome.sushi.enable = true;
gvfs = {
enable = true;

View file

@ -248,10 +248,10 @@
"pin, org.kde.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1|Pinentry|pinentry-qt|gcr-prompter"
"dimaround, org.kde.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1|Pinentry|pinentry-qt|gcr-prompter"
"stayfocused, org.kde.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1|Pinentry|pinentry-qt|gcr-prompter"
# Audio control panel
"float, pavucontrol"
"size 800 600, pavucontrol"
"move onscreen 100%-820 50,pavucontrol"
# PulseAudio, Network and Bluetooth control panels
"float, pavucontrol|nm-connection-editor|.blueman-manager-wrapped"
"size 800 600, pavucontrol|nm-connection-editor|.blueman-manager-wrapped"
"move onscreen 50 100%-615,pavucontrol|nm-connection-editor|.blueman-manager-wrapped"
# File browser and picker dialog
"float, org.gnome.Nautilus|xdg-desktop-portal-gtk"
"size 800 600, org.gnome.Nautilus|xdg-desktop-portal-gtk"

View file

@ -10,270 +10,265 @@
programs.waybar = {
enable = true;
systemd.enable = true;
settings.main =
terminal = "${config.programs.alacritty.package}/bin/alacritty -e";
name = "main";
layer = "top";
position = "left";
# Layout
"modules-left" = [
"modules-center" = [ ];
"modules-right" = [
# Module config
"hyprland/workspaces" = {
format = "{icon}";
format-icons = {
"1" = "󰆍";
"2" = "󰖟";
"3" = "󰭹";
"4" = "󱧶";
"5" = "󰢹";
"6" = "󰐫";
"7" = "󰊴";
default = "󰀻";
all-outputs = false;
persistent-workspaces = {
"1" = [ ];
"2" = [ ];
"3" = [ ];
"4" = [ ];
"5" = [ ];
"6" = [ ];
"7" = [ ];
settings.main = {
name = "main";
layer = "top";
position = "left";
# Layout
"modules-left" = [
"modules-center" = [ ];
"modules-right" = [
# Module config
"hyprland/workspaces" = {
format = "{icon}";
format-icons = {
"1" = "󰆍";
"2" = "󰖟";
"3" = "󰭹";
"4" = "󱧶";
"5" = "󰢹";
"6" = "󰐫";
"7" = "󰊴";
default = "󰀻";
"hyprland/window" = {
"format" = "{title}";
"max-length" = 50;
"rewrite" = {
"(.*) - GNU Emacs at (.*)" = " $1 [$2]";
"(alacritty.*)" = " $1";
"(.*) - mpv" = "󰦟 $1";
"swayimg: (.*)" = "󰋩 $1";
"swappy" = "󰹑 swappy";
"(?:/nix/.*)(btm)" = " Resource Usage [$1]";
"(?:/nix/.*)(cava)" = "󰝚 Music Visualiser [$1]";
"Mozilla Firefox" = "󰈹 $1";
"(.*) Mozilla Firefox" = "󰈹 $1";
"Nyxt - (.*)" = "󰀹 $1";
"(.*) - Chromium" = "󰊯 $1";
"(Signal.*)" = "󰭹 $1";
"(WhatsApp for Linux.*)" = "󰖣 $1";
"((?:.*)WebCord.*)" = "󰙯 $1";
"(Cartridges.*)" = "󰊗 $1";
"([Ss]team.*)" = "󰓓 $1";
"(Prism Launcher.*)" = "󰍳 Minecraft ($1)";
"(.*)(?: *)PrusaSlicer-(.*)" = "󰐫 $1 PrusaSlicer ($2)";
"(.*)(?: *)PrusaSlicer G-code Viewer-(.*)" = "󰹛 $1 G-code Viewer ($2)";
"FreeCAD (.*)" = "󰻬 FreeCAD $1";
"(.*) - Blender.* " = "󰂫 $1";
"(Remmina Remote Desktop Client)" = "󰢹 $1";
"(NoMachine|Nxplayer.bin)(?: *)(.*)" = "󰢹 $1 $2";
mpris = {
"format" = "{player_icon}\n{status_icon}";
"tooltip-format" = "{player_icon} ({player}) {status_icon}\n{title}\n{album}\n{artist}";
"interval" = 1;
"dynamic-order" = [
"player-icons" = {
"default" = "󰲸";
"status-icons" = {
"playing" = "󰐊";
"paused" = "󰏤";
"stopped" = "󰓛";
"ignored-players" = [
pulseaudio = {
scroll-step = 5;
format = "{format_source}\n{icon}";
# format-muted = "{format_source} {icon}";
format-source = "󰍬";
format-source-muted = "󰍭";
format-icons = {
car = "󰄍";
default = [
default-muted = "󰝟";
hands-free = "󰥰";
headset = "󰋎";
phone = "󰏲";
portable = "󰏳";
headphone = "󰋋";
tooltip = true;
tooltip-format = "{desc} ({volume}%)";
on-click = "${pkgs.pavucontrol}/bin/pavucontrol";
on-click-right = "${config.services.avizo.package}/bin/volumectl %";
on-scroll-up = "${config.services.avizo.package}/bin/volumectl -u + 5";
on-scroll-down = "${config.services.avizo.package}/bin/volumectl -u - 5";
network = {
format-icons = [
format-wifi = "{icon}";
format-ethernet = "󰈁";
format-linked = "󰈂";
format-disconnected = "󰈂";
tooltip-format = "{essid} ({signalStrength}%)";
on-click = "${terminal} ${pkgs.networkmanager}/bin/nmtui";
bluetooth = {
format = "󰂯";
format-disabled = "󰂲";
format-off = "󰂲";
format-on = "󰂯";
format-connected = "󰂱";
tooltip-format = "{status} | {device_alias}";
on-click = "${terminal} ${pkgs.bluez}/bin/bluetoothctl";
"clock#calendar" =
size = "${toString config.stylix.fonts.sizes.popups}pt";
format = "󰃭";
tooltip-format = "<span size='${size}'>{calendar}</span>";
calendar = {
mode = "month";
weeks-pos = "left";
on-scroll = 1;
format =
scheme = config.lib.stylix.scheme.withHashtag;
months = "<span color='${scheme.red}'><b>{}</b></span>";
weeks = "<span color='${scheme.cyan}'><i>W{}</i></span>";
weekdays = "<span color='${scheme.orange}'><u>{}</u></span>";
days = "<span color='${scheme.base05}'>{}</span>";
today = "<span color='${scheme.magenta}'><b><u>{}</u></b></span>";
actions = {
on-scroll-up = "shift_up";
on-scroll-down = "shift_down";
clock = {
format = "{:%H\n%M}";
tooltip = false;
backlight = {
format = "{icon}";
tooltip-format = "{percent}%";
format-icons = [
battery = {
states = {
warning = 20;
critical = 10;
format = "{icon}";
format-time = "{H}:{m}";
format-charging = "󰂄";
format-plugged = "󰚥";
# format-warning = "{icon}{capacity}%";
# format-critical = "{icon}{capacity}% ({time})";
tooltip-format = "{capacity}% | {power}W | {time}";
format-icons = [
"systemd-failed-units" = {
hide-on-ok = true;
format = "󰀦";
system = true;
user = false;
"custom/notification" =
makoctl = "${config.services.mako.package}/bin/makoctl";
jq = "${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq";
exec = "( ${makoctl} list | ${jq} -e '.data[] | length > 0' >/dev/null && echo '󱅫' ) || echo '󰂚' ";
format = "{}";
tooltip = false;
on-click = "${makoctl} dismiss -a";
interval = 3;
"custom/weather" =
date-format = "%Y-%m-%d";
custom-indicator = "{ICON}"; # "{temp_C}°C({FeelsLikeC}°C)";
format = "{}";
tooltip = true;
interval = 900; # Every 15 minutes
exec = ''${pkgs.wttrbar}/bin/wttrbar --location Didcot --date-format "${date-format}" --custom-indicator "${custom-indicator}"'';
return-type = "json";
tray = {
icon-size = 20;
show-passive-items = true;
spacing = 5;
all-outputs = false;
persistent-workspaces = {
"1" = [ ];
"2" = [ ];
"3" = [ ];
"4" = [ ];
"5" = [ ];
"6" = [ ];
"7" = [ ];
"hyprland/window" = {
"format" = "{title}";
"max-length" = 50;
"rewrite" = {
"(.*) - GNU Emacs at (.*)" = " $1 [$2]";
"(alacritty.*)" = " $1";
"(.*) - mpv" = "󰦟 $1";
"swayimg: (.*)" = "󰋩 $1";
"swappy" = "󰹑 swappy";
"(?:/nix/.*)(btm)" = " Resource Usage [$1]";
"(?:/nix/.*)(cava)" = "󰝚 Music Visualiser [$1]";
"Mozilla Firefox" = "󰈹 $1";
"(.*) Mozilla Firefox" = "󰈹 $1";
"Nyxt - (.*)" = "󰀹 $1";
"(.*) - Chromium" = "󰊯 $1";
"(Signal.*)" = "󰭹 $1";
"(WhatsApp for Linux.*)" = "󰖣 $1";
"((?:.*)WebCord.*)" = "󰙯 $1";
"(Cartridges.*)" = "󰊗 $1";
"([Ss]team.*)" = "󰓓 $1";
"(Prism Launcher.*)" = "󰍳 Minecraft ($1)";
"(.*)(?: *)PrusaSlicer-(.*)" = "󰐫 $1 PrusaSlicer ($2)";
"(.*)(?: *)PrusaSlicer G-code Viewer-(.*)" = "󰹛 $1 G-code Viewer ($2)";
"FreeCAD (.*)" = "󰻬 FreeCAD $1";
"(.*) - Blender.* " = "󰂫 $1";
"(Remmina Remote Desktop Client)" = "󰢹 $1";
"(NoMachine|Nxplayer.bin)(?: *)(.*)" = "󰢹 $1 $2";
mpris = {
"format" = "{player_icon}\n{status_icon}";
"tooltip-format" = "{player_icon} ({player}) {status_icon}\n{title}\n{album}\n{artist}";
"interval" = 1;
"dynamic-order" = [
"player-icons" = {
"default" = "󰲸";
"status-icons" = {
"playing" = "󰐊";
"paused" = "󰏤";
"stopped" = "󰓛";
"ignored-players" = [
pulseaudio = {
scroll-step = 5;
format = "{format_source}\n{icon}";
# format-muted = "{format_source} {icon}";
format-source = "󰍬";
format-source-muted = "󰍭";
format-icons = {
car = "󰄍";
default = [
default-muted = "󰝟";
hands-free = "󰥰";
headset = "󰋎";
phone = "󰏲";
portable = "󰏳";
headphone = "󰋋";
tooltip = true;
tooltip-format = "{desc} ({volume}%)";
on-click = "${pkgs.pavucontrol}/bin/pavucontrol";
on-click-right = "${config.services.avizo.package}/bin/volumectl %";
on-scroll-up = "${config.services.avizo.package}/bin/volumectl -u + 5";
on-scroll-down = "${config.services.avizo.package}/bin/volumectl -u - 5";
network = {
format-icons = [
format-wifi = "{icon}";
format-ethernet = "󰈁";
format-linked = "󰈂";
format-disconnected = "󰈂";
tooltip-format = "{essid} ({signalStrength}%)";
on-click = "${pkgs.networkmanagerapplet}/bin/nm-connection-editor";
bluetooth = {
format = "󰂯";
format-disabled = "󰂲";
format-off = "󰂲";
format-on = "󰂯";
format-connected = "󰂱";
tooltip-format = "{status} | {device_alias}";
on-click = "${pkgs.blueman}/bin/blueman-manager";
"clock#calendar" =
size = "${toString config.stylix.fonts.sizes.popups}pt";
format = "󰃭";
tooltip-format = "<span size='${size}'>{calendar}</span>";
calendar = {
mode = "month";
weeks-pos = "left";
on-scroll = 1;
format =
scheme = config.lib.stylix.scheme.withHashtag;
months = "<span color='${scheme.red}'><b>{}</b></span>";
weeks = "<span color='${scheme.cyan}'><i>W{}</i></span>";
weekdays = "<span color='${scheme.orange}'><u>{}</u></span>";
days = "<span color='${scheme.base05}'>{}</span>";
today = "<span color='${scheme.magenta}'><b><u>{}</u></b></span>";
actions = {
on-scroll-up = "shift_up";
on-scroll-down = "shift_down";
clock = {
format = "{:%H\n%M}";
tooltip = false;
backlight = {
format = "{icon}";
tooltip-format = "{percent}%";
format-icons = [
battery = {
states = {
warning = 20;
critical = 10;
format = "{icon}";
format-time = "{H}:{m}";
format-charging = "󰂄";
format-plugged = "󰚥";
# format-warning = "{icon}{capacity}%";
# format-critical = "{icon}{capacity}% ({time})";
tooltip-format = "{capacity}% | {power}W | {time}";
format-icons = [
"systemd-failed-units" = {
hide-on-ok = true;
format = "󰀦";
system = true;
user = false;
"custom/notification" =
makoctl = "${config.services.mako.package}/bin/makoctl";
jq = "${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq";
exec = "( ${makoctl} list | ${jq} -e '.data[] | length > 0' >/dev/null && echo '󱅫' ) || echo '󰂚' ";
format = "{}";
tooltip = false;
on-click = "${makoctl} dismiss -a";
interval = 3;
"custom/weather" =
date-format = "%Y-%m-%d";
custom-indicator = "{ICON}"; # "{temp_C}°C({FeelsLikeC}°C)";
format = "{}";
tooltip = true;
interval = 900; # Every 15 minutes
exec = ''${pkgs.wttrbar}/bin/wttrbar --location Didcot --date-format "${date-format}" --custom-indicator "${custom-indicator}"'';
return-type = "json";
tray = {
icon-size = 20;
show-passive-items = true;
spacing = 5;
style =
scheme = config.lib.stylix.scheme.withHashtag;