Fix and enable blur with picom, needed new backend

Temp disable polybar until configured
Set fancy theme for rofi
Add missing screenshot manager for xfce
Fix up shortcuts
This commit is contained in:
Evie Litherland-Smith 2023-04-04 17:36:30 +01:00
parent 2a56f7d34c
commit d6bbb4f1f3
5 changed files with 23 additions and 33 deletions

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{ {
services.picom = { services.picom = {
enable = true; enable = true;
backend = "glx";
shadow = true; shadow = true;
fade = true; fade = true;
activeOpacity = 1.0; activeOpacity = 1.0;
@ -10,10 +11,10 @@
blur = { blur = {
# requires: # requires:
# method = "dual_kawase"; # method = "dual_kawase";
method = "kernel"; method = "gaussian";
size = 20;
deviation = 15;
strength = 7; strength = 7;
deviation = 1.0;
kernel = "11x11gaussian";
background = false; background = false;
background-frame = false; background-frame = false;
background-fixed = false; background-fixed = false;

View file

@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
{ ... }: { ... }:
{ {
services.polybar.enable = true; services.polybar = {
enable = true;
script = ''
polybar -c "$POLYBAR_CONFIG_DIR/config" pam1 &
polybar -c "$POLYBAR_CONFIG_DIR/config" pam2 &
polybar -c "$POLYBAR_CONFIG_DIR/config" pam3 &
polybar -c "$POLYBAR_CONFIG_DIR/config" pam4 &
polybar -c "$POLYBAR_CONFIG_DIR/config" pam5 &
polybar -c "$POLYBAR_CONFIG_DIR/config" pam6 &
} }

View file

@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
enable = true; enable = true;
location = "right"; location = "right";
pass.enable = true; pass.enable = true;
theme = "fancy";
}; };
} }

View file

@ -4,29 +4,16 @@
enable = true; enable = true;
keybindings = { keybindings = {
"super + w" = "firefox"; "super + w" = "firefox";
# terminal emulator
"super + Return" = "kitty"; "super + Return" = "kitty";
"super + t" = "al-terminal"; "alt + shift + Return" = "xfce4-terminal --drop-down";
"alt + shift + Return" = "al-terminal";
# file manager
"super + f" = "kitty -e ranger"; "super + f" = "kitty -e ranger";
"super + shift + f" = "al-filemanager"; "super + shift + f" = "thunar";
# program launcher "super + @space" = "rofi -show drun";
"super + @space" = "rofi_run -r"; "alt + p" = "rofi -show drun";
"alt + p" = "rofi_run -r";
#to change tabs ig
# Switch to recent window
"alt + Tab" = "bspc node -f last.local"; "alt + Tab" = "bspc node -f last.local";
# make sxhkd reload its configuration files:
"super + shift + r" = "pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd"; "super + shift + r" = "pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd";
# quit bspwm normally
"super + x" = "rofi_run -l";
# Send the window to another edge of the screen
"super + {_,shift + }{Left,Down,Up,Right}" = "bspc node -{f,s} {west,south,north,east}"; "super + {_,shift + }{Left,Down,Up,Right}" = "bspc node -{f,s} {west,south,north,east}";
# close and kill
"super + {_,shift + }q" = "bspc node -{c,k}"; "super + {_,shift + }q" = "bspc node -{c,k}";
# alternate between the tiled and monocle layout
#super + shift + m
"alt + Return" = "bspc desktop -l next"; "alt + Return" = "bspc desktop -l next";
# if the current node is automatic, send it to the last manual, otherwise pull the last leaf # if the current node is automatic, send it to the last manual, otherwise pull the last leaf
"super + y" = "bspc query -N -n focused.automatic && bspc node -n last.!automatic || bspc node last.leaf -n focused"; "super + y" = "bspc query -N -n focused.automatic && bspc node -n last.!automatic || bspc node last.leaf -n focused";
@ -59,17 +46,6 @@
# focus or send to the given desktop # focus or send to the given desktop
"super + {_,shift + }{1-9,0}" = "bspc {desktop -f,node -d} '^{1-9,10}'"; "super + {_,shift + }{1-9,0}" = "bspc {desktop -f,node -d} '^{1-9,10}'";
# #
# preselect
# preselect the direction
"super + ctrl + {h,j,k,l}" = "bspc node -p {west,south,north,east}";
# preselect the ratio
"super + ctrl + {1-9}" = "bspc node -o 0.{1-9}";
# cancel the preselection for the focused node
"super + ctrl + space" = "bspc node -p cancel";
# cancel the preselection for the focused desktop
"super + ctrl + shift + space" = "bspc query -N -d | xargs -I id -n 1 bspc node id -p cancel";
# move/resize # move/resize
# #
# expand a window by moving one of its side outward # expand a window by moving one of its side outward

View file

@ -5,10 +5,11 @@
./sxhkd.nix ./sxhkd.nix
./picom.nix ./picom.nix
./rofi.nix ./rofi.nix
./polybar.nix #./polybar.nix
]; ];
home.packages = with pkgs; [ home.packages = with pkgs; [
xfce.thunar xfce.thunar
ranger ranger
]; ];
} }