Some extra emacs configs, add LSP and tree-sitter

This commit is contained in:
Evie Litherland-Smith 2023-07-24 22:10:01 +01:00
parent b85bdcec10
commit ca2afa6ee9
7 changed files with 28 additions and 19 deletions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
{nix-doom-emacs, ...}: {
{pkgs, nix-doom-emacs, ...}: {
imports = [nix-doom-emacs.hmModule];
home.packages = with pkgs; [
programs.ripgrep.enable = true;
programs.doom-emacs.enable = true;
programs.doom-emacs.doomPrivateDir = ./doom.d;

View file

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
;;; ~/.doom.d/config.el
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "Fira Code NerdFont" :size 14))
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "Fira Code" :size 14))

View file

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
;;parinfer ; turn lisp into python, sort of
;;rotate-text ; cycle region at point between text candidates
snippets ; my elves. They type so I don't have to
;;word-wrap ; soft wrapping with language-aware indent
word-wrap ; soft wrapping with language-aware indent
dired ; making dired pretty [functional]
@ -76,12 +76,12 @@
;;eshell ; the elisp shell that works everywhere
;;shell ; simple shell REPL for Emacs
;;term ; basic terminal emulator for Emacs
;;vterm ; the best terminal emulation in Emacs
vterm ; the best terminal emulation in Emacs
syntax ; tasing you for every semicolon you forget
(spell +flyspell) ; tasing you for misspelling mispelling
grammar ; tasing grammar mistake every you make
;;grammar ; tasing grammar mistake every you make
@ -94,17 +94,18 @@
(eval +overlay) ; run code, run (also, repls)
;;gist ; interacting with github gists
lookup ; navigate your code and its documentation
;;lsp ; M-x vscode
lsp ; M-x vscode
magit ; a git porcelain for Emacs
;;make ; run make tasks from Emacs
make ; run make tasks from Emacs
;;pass ; password manager for nerds
pdf ; pdf enhancements
;;prodigy ; FIXME managing external services & code builders
;;rgb ; creating color strings
;;taskrunner ; taskrunner for all your projects
;;terraform ; infrastructure as code
tree-sitter ; Better syntax highlighting
;;tmux ; an API for interacting with tmux
;;upload ; map local to remote projects via ssh/ftp
upload ; map local to remote projects via ssh/ftp
(:if IS-MAC macos) ; improve compatibility with macOS
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@
;;coq ; proofs-as-programs
;;crystal ; ruby at the speed of c
;;csharp ; unity, .NET, and mono shenanigans
;;data ; config/data formats
data ; config/data formats
;;(dart +flutter) ; paint ui and not much else
;;elixir ; erlang done right
@ -129,7 +130,7 @@
;;ess ; emacs speaks statistics
;;faust ; dsp, but you get to keep your soul
fortran ; in FORTRAN, GOD is REAL (unless declared INTEGER)
(fortran +lsp) ; in FORTRAN, GOD is REAL (unless declared INTEGER)
;;fsharp ; ML stands for Microsoft's Language
;;fstar ; (dependent) types and (monadic) effects and Z3
;;gdscript ; the language you waited for
@ -145,16 +146,16 @@
latex ; writing papers in Emacs has never been so fun
;;lean ; for folks with too much to prove
;;ledger ; be audit you can be
lua ; one-based indices? one-based indices
markdown ; writing docs for people to ignore
(lua +tree-sitter) ; one-based indices? one-based indices
(markdown +tree-sitter) ; writing docs for people to ignore
;;nim ; python + lisp at the speed of c
nix ; I hereby declare "nix geht mehr!"
(nix +lsp +tree-sitter) ; I hereby declare "nix geht mehr!"
;;ocaml ; an objective camel
org ; organize your plain life in plain text
;;php ; perl's insecure younger brother
;;plantuml ; diagrams for confusing people more
;;purescript ; javascript, but functional
python ; beautiful is better than ugly
(python +lsp +tree-sitter) ; beautiful is better than ugly
;;qt ; the 'cutest' gui framework ever
;;racket ; a DSL for DSLs
;;raku ; the artist formerly known as perl6
@ -164,13 +165,13 @@
;;rust ; Fe2O3.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap().unwrap()
;;scala ; java, but good
;;(scheme +guile) ; a fully conniving family of lisps
sh ; she sells {ba,z,fi}sh shells on the C xor
(sh +lsp) ; she sells {ba,z,fi}sh shells on the C xor
;;solidity ; do you need a blockchain? No.
;;swift ; who asked for emoji variables?
;;terra ; Earth and Moon in alignment for performance.
;;web ; the tubes
yaml ; JSON, but readable
(yaml +tree-sitter) ; JSON, but readable
;;zig ; C, but simpler

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@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
}: {
imports = [neovim-custom.homeManagerModules.default];
programs = {
bat = {
enable = true;

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ config.set_environment_variables = {
TERMINFO_DIRS = "/home/user/.nix-profile/share/terminfo",
config.term = "wezterm"
config.audible_bell = "Disabled"
config.font_size = 14
config.window_background_opacity = 0.80

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ in {
home = {
inherit username homeDirectory;

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
}: let
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
in {
imports = [