Add key hints to polybar icons

This commit is contained in:
Evie Litherland-Smith 2023-07-04 15:55:25 +01:00
parent fb18c07c68
commit c96812d748
2 changed files with 9 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
"super + shift + q" = "xfce4-session-logout";
"super + F1" = "xfce4-screensaver-command --lock";
"super + r" = "bspc desktop -f files && wezterm -e ranger";
"super + n" = "bspc desktop -f dev && neovide --multigrid --maximized";
# bspwm hotkeys
"super + Escape" = "pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd";
"super + alt + {q,r}" = "bspc {quit,wm -r}";

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@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ click-left = "powermenu"
type = internal/xworkspaces
icon-0 = "main;󰟀 "
icon-1 = "dev;󰅴 "
icon-2 = "browser;󰈹 "
icon-3 = "files;󰝰 "
icon-4 = "chat;󰭹 "
icon-5 = "remote; "
icon-6 = "steam;󰓓 "
icon-7 = "misc;󰣙 "
icon-0 = "main;[a] 󰟀 "
icon-1 = "dev;[s] 󰅴 "
icon-2 = "browser;[d] 󰈹 "
icon-3 = "files;[f] 󰝰 "
icon-4 = "chat;[u] 󰭹 "
icon-5 = "remote;[i]  "
icon-6 = "steam;[o] 󰓓 "
icon-7 = "misc;[p] 󰣙 "
icon-default = "󰣘 "
label-active = %icon%