Update README install/setup instructions

This commit is contained in:
Evie Litherland-Smith 2024-04-20 13:29:05 +01:00
parent f474fd35cb
commit a79a7a198f

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@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
* Password store setup
** Transfer GPG key(s)
#+begin_src bash
# Export key on existing machine
gpg --export-secret-keys > key.gpg
# Export keys on existing machine
gpg -a --export > publickeys.asc
gpg -a --export-secret-keys > privatekeys.asc
# Import key on new machine
gpg --import key.gpg
gpg --import privatekeys.asc
gpg --import publickeys.asc
# Edit (for each key) to set trust
gpg --edit-key ...
gpg --edit-key evie@xenia.me.uk
** Clone password-store repository
#+begin_src bash
@ -18,19 +20,19 @@
* Email setup
** Proton
*** Bridge
Run src_bash{protonmail-setup-bridge} to automate this process.
Run bridge in CLI mode to login, wait for initial sync and get app password
#+begin_src bash
nix run nixpkgs#protonmail-bridge -- -c
# Follow prompts to login and get password
Restart using ~hyprctl~:
Restart using ~swaymsg~:
#+begin_src bash
nix shell nixpkgs#protonmail-bridge -c hyprctl dispatch exec "protonmail-bridge -n"
nix shell nixpkgs#protonmail-bridge -c swaymsg exec "protonmail-bridge -n"
Script ~protonmail-setup-bridge~ (provided with NixOS config) handles all of this
**** uidvalidity issue
+Remove uid lines from .mbsyncrc (in each mail directory) and delete .uidvalidity, re-run mbsync to fix+
Above might be duplicating mail, faster to just delete local maildirs and let them re-sync.
@ -58,6 +60,8 @@ If not already done, save password to ~password-store~:
This will be synced across devices so only needs doing once
*** Configuration
Run src_bash{davmail-setup} to automate this process.
On first run (or if token expires), stop systemd service and run manually to complete manual auth. Token will stay valid for a little while (no idea how long specifically).
#+begin_src bash
# Restart service to ensure ~/.davmail.properties exists