Update J0162 home config

This commit is contained in:
Evie Litherland-Smith 2023-06-09 14:38:57 +01:00
parent 9f5f85c963
commit 395c47e31f
3 changed files with 19 additions and 5 deletions

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
{pkgs, ...}: {
imports = [
@ -9,6 +8,7 @@
networking.hostName = "J0162"; # Define your hostname.
services.xserver.displayManager.defaultSession = "hyprland";
users.users.elitherl = {
isNormalUser = true;

View file

@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
{...}: {
{pkgs, ...}: {
imports = [../work.nix ../desktop/hyprland.nix];
home.username = "elitherl";
home.homeDirectory = "/home/elitherl";
home.stateVersion = "22.11";
home.packages = with pkgs; [zotero];
programs.fish.functions.nvsync = ''
rsync -avz --filter=':- .gitignore' --exclude='.git*'\
--delete-during --delete-excluded\
$HOME/.config/nvim/ heimdall003.jet.uk:.config/nvim
rsync -avz --filter=':- .gitignore' --exclude='.git*'\
--delete-during --delete-excluded\
$HOME/.config/nvim/ freia:.config/nvim
programs.fish.shellAbbrs.hypr = "exec Hyprland";
xdg.configFile."hypr/hyprpaper.conf".source = ./hypr/hyprpaper.conf;
wayland.windowManager.hyprland.extraConfig = builtins.readFile ./hypr/hyprland.conf;
programs.waybar = {
@ -22,12 +31,11 @@
"wlr/workspaces" = {"format-icons" = {"5" = "󰒍";};};

View file

@ -1 +1,7 @@
windowrule = float, title:^([Zz]oom).*$
windowrule = float, ^(Nxplayer.bin)$
windowrule = center, title:^([Zz]oom).*$
windowrule = workspace 4, title:^([Zz]oom).*$
windowrule = workspace 5 silent, ^(Nxplayer.bin)$