Make babel load path dynamic instead of fixed to .config
Remove crafted-emacs input and tokyonight theme (and uses) Remove old emacs files so I don't get confused
This commit is contained in:
@ -130,22 +130,6 @@
"type": "github"
"type": "github"
"crafted-emacs": {
"flake": false,
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1697837545,
"narHash": "sha256-Sucimd2VjeUZ3GZ7kC1W+ix9t30npaHuZgjdvhHuTCU=",
"owner": "SystemCrafters",
"repo": "crafted-emacs",
"rev": "bc6618a2950e354cc6b1bc24c63f3b2c6d71141b",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "SystemCrafters",
"repo": "crafted-emacs",
"type": "github"
"flake-compat": {
"flake-compat": {
"flake": false,
"flake": false,
"locked": {
"locked": {
@ -257,12 +241,10 @@
"root": {
"root": {
"inputs": {
"inputs": {
"crafted-emacs": "crafted-emacs",
"home-manager": "home-manager",
"home-manager": "home-manager",
"nix-index-database": "nix-index-database",
"nix-index-database": "nix-index-database",
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs",
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs",
"stylix": "stylix",
"stylix": "stylix"
"tokyonight-folke": "tokyonight-folke"
"stylix": {
"stylix": {
@ -294,22 +276,6 @@
"repo": "stylix",
"repo": "stylix",
"type": "github"
"type": "github"
"tokyonight-folke": {
"flake": false,
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1697438389,
"narHash": "sha256-ZhWUURBWzRaHr1RpWq4tqcjXuVQIYovUAN5XagVIgtc=",
"owner": "folke",
"repo": "tokyonight.nvim",
"rev": "1e5492bb99d461a5a0d020a119fc76d75945af84",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "folke",
"repo": "tokyonight.nvim",
"type": "github"
"root": "root",
"root": "root",
@ -15,16 +15,6 @@
url = "github:danth/stylix";
url = "github:danth/stylix";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Non-flake inputs
crafted-emacs = {
url = "github:SystemCrafters/crafted-emacs";
flake = false;
tokyonight-folke = {
url = "github:folke/tokyonight.nvim";
flake = false;
outputs =
outputs =
@ -57,9 +47,7 @@
specialArgs = { inherit hostName user; };
specialArgs = { inherit hostName user; };
extraSpecialArgs = specialArgs // {
extraSpecialArgs = specialArgs;
inherit (inputs) crafted-emacs tokyonight-folke;
in nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
in nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
inherit system specialArgs;
inherit system specialArgs;
modules = [
modules = [
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, tokyonight-folke, ... }:
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
xdg.configFile."bat/themes/tokyonight_night.tmTheme".source =
programs = {
programs = {
bash.enable = true;
bash.enable = true;
bat.enable = true;
bat.enable = true;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ config, pkgs, crafted-emacs, ... }:
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
xdg.configFile = {
xdg.configFile = {
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
package = pkgs.emacs29-pgtk;
package = pkgs.emacs29-pgtk;
extraConfig = ''
extraConfig = ''
(org-babel-load-file "~/.config/emacs/")
(org-babel-load-file (locate-user-emacs-file ""))
extraPackages = epkgs:
extraPackages = epkgs:
with epkgs; [
with epkgs; [
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
;;; $DOOMDIR/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Place your private configuration here! Remember, you do not need to run 'doom
;; sync' after modifying this file!
;; UTF-8 support
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
(setq x-select-request-type '(UTF8_STRING COMPOUND_TEXT TEXT STRING))
(setq user-full-name "Evie Litherland-Smith"
user-mail-address ""
doom-font "FiraCode Nerd Font-12"
doom-symbol-fallback-font-families '("Material Icons" "FontAwesome" "Weather Icons")
doom-emoji-fallback-font-families '("Noto Color Emoji" "Noto Emoji")
nerd-icons-font-family "FiraCode Nerd Font"
doom-theme 'doom-tokyo-night
doom-modeline-gnus t
doom-modeline-persp-icon t
doom-modeline-persp-name t
display-line-numbers-type 'relative
org-directory "~/Org/"
+latex-viewers '(pdf-tools)
+format-with-lsp nil)
(+global-word-wrap-mode +1)
(setq-default left-margin-width 1 right-margin-width 1)
(set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
(set-frame-parameter nil 'alpha-background 80)
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(alpha-background . 80))
;; DOOM Dashboard customisation
(setq +doom-dashboard-menu-sections
'(("Recently opened files"
:icon (nerd-icons-mdicon "nf-md-file_document" :face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title)
:action recentf-open-files)
("Reload last session"
:icon (nerd-icons-mdicon "nf-md-history" :face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title)
:when (cond ((modulep! :ui workspaces)
(file-exists-p (expand-file-name persp-auto-save-fname persp-save-dir)))
((require 'desktop nil t)
(file-exists-p (desktop-full-file-name))))
:action doom/quickload-session)
("Open org-agenda"
:icon (nerd-icons-mdicon "nf-md-calendar" :face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title)
:when (fboundp 'org-agenda)
:action org-agenda)
("Open project"
:icon (nerd-icons-mdicon "nf-md-briefcase" :face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title)
:action projectile-switch-project)
("Jump to bookmark"
:icon (nerd-icons-mdicon "nf-md-bookmark" :face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title)
:action bookmark-jump)
("Open documentation"
:icon (nerd-icons-mdicon "nf-md-book" :face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title)
:action doom/help)))
;; elfeed update on open
(after! elfeed
(setq elfeed-db-directory "~/.elfeed/db/"
elfeed-enclosure-default-dir "~/.elfeed/enclosures/")
(after! elfeed-goodies
(setq elfeed-goodies/entry-pane-position 'bottom
elfeed-goodies/powerline-default-separator 'utf-8))
(require 'elfeed-tube)
(add-hook! 'elfeed-search-mode-hook #'elfeed-update))
;; ntfy server config
(after! ntfy
(setq ntfy-server ""
ntfy-topic "UhrNGphnSKCpCnk8"
ntfy-header "Notification from emacs"
ntfy-tags "purple_circle,loudspeaker"))
(require 'ntfy)
;; projectile auto-discover projects
(after! projectile
(setq projectile-auto-discover t
projectile-project-search-path '("~/Projects/")
doom-projectile-cache-purge-non-projects t
+workspaces-switch-project-function 'doom-project-browse
+workspaces-on-switch-project-behavior t))
(after! magit (setq magit-clone-default-directory "~/Projects/"))
;; mail settings
(after! mu4e
(setq mu4e-get-mail-command "mbsync --pull-new inboxes"
mu4e-update-interval 300
mu4e-sent-messages-behavior 'sent
mu4e-attachment-dir "~/Downloads"
mu4e-change-filenames-when-moving t
mu4e-alert-modeline-formatter 'mu4e-alert-default-mode-line-formatter
sendmail-program (executable-find "msmtp")
send-mail-function #'smtpmail-send-it
message-sendmail-f-is-evil t
message-sendmail-extra-arguments '("--read-envelope-from")
message-send-mail-function #'message-send-mail-with-sendmail
mu4e-maildir-shortcuts '((:maildir "/Proton/Inbox/" :key ?p)
(:maildir "/iCloud/Inbox/" :key ?i)
(:maildir "/Outlook/Inbox/" :key ?o)))
(setq mu4e-modeline-all-read '("R:" . " ")
mu4e-modeline-all-clear '("C:" . " ")
mu4e-modeline-new-items '("N:" . " ")
mu4e-modeline-unread-items '("U:" . " ")
mu4e-search-full-label '("F" . " ")
mu4e-search-hide-label '("H" . " ")
mu4e-search-related-label '("R" . " ")
mu4e-search-skip-duplicates-label '("D" . " ")
mu4e-search-threaded-label'("T" . " "))
;; Add accounts with contexts
(set-email-account! "Proton"
'((user-mail-address . "")
(mu4e-sent-folder . "/Proton/Sent")
(mu4e-drafts-folder . "/Proton/Drafts")
(mu4e-trash-folder . "/Proton/Trash")
(mu4e-refile-folder . "/Proton/Archive"))
(set-email-account! "iCloud"
'((user-mail-address . "")
(mu4e-sent-folder . "/iCloud/Sent")
(mu4e-drafts-folder . "/iCloud/Drafts")
(mu4e-trash-folder . "/iCloud/Trash")
(mu4e-refile-folder . "/iCloud/Archive"))
(set-email-account! "Outlook"
'((user-mail-address . "")
(mu4e-sent-folder . "/Outlook/Sent")
(mu4e-drafts-folder . "/Outlook/Drafts")
(mu4e-trash-folder . "/Outlook/Trash")
(mu4e-refile-folder . "/Outlook/Archive"))
;; Calendar settings
(defun open-calendar-all ()
(cfw:org-create-source "Green") ; org-agenda source
(cfw:ical-create-source "Personal" "~/.calendar/nextcloud/personal.ics" "Red")
(cfw:ical-create-source "Birthdays" "~/.calendar/nextcloud/contact_birthdays.ics" "Grey")
;; Org-mode settings
(after! org
(setq org-agenda-sticky t)
(setq org-agenda-files '("~/Org/"))
(setq org-agenda-prefix-format
'((agenda . " %i %t %s")
(todo . " %i")
(tags . " %i")
(search . " %i"))))
;; Set org-roam capture templates
(after! org-roam
(setq org-roam-capture-templates
'(("d" "default" plain "%?"
:target (file+head "${slug}.org" "#+title: ${title}\n")))))
;; VTERM settings
(after! vterm
(setq vterm-tramp-shells
'(("ssh" "/usr/bin/env bash")
("sshx" "/usr/bin/env bash"))))
;; Apheleia settings
(after! apheleia
(setq apheleia-remote-algorithm 'local))
;; TRAMP host specific configs
(after! tramp
(setq tramp-default-method "sshx"
tramp-default-remote-shell "/bin/sh"
tramp-remote-path '(tramp-own-remote-path tramp-default-remote-path)))
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(auth-source-save-behavior nil))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(ts-fold-replacement-face ((t (:foreground unspecified :box nil :inherit font-lock-comment-face :weight light)))))
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
;;; Recursively list files in a given directory
;;; Author: daniel m german dmg at uvic dot ca
;;; Copyright: daniel m german
;;; License: Same as Emacs
(defun directory-files-recursive (directory match maxdepth ignore)
"List files in DIRECTORY and in its sub-directories.
Return files that match the regular expression MATCH but ignore
files and directories that match IGNORE (IGNORE is tested before MATCH.
Recurse only to depth MAXDEPTH. If zero or negative, then do not recurse"
(let* ((files-list '())
(directory-files directory t)))
;; while we are in the current directory
(while current-directory-list
(let ((f (car current-directory-list)))
ignore ;; make sure it is not nil
(string-match ignore f))
; ignore
(file-regular-p f)
(file-readable-p f)
(string-match match f))
(setq files-list (cons f files-list))
(file-directory-p f)
(file-readable-p f)
(not (string-equal ".." (substring f -2)))
(not (string-equal "." (substring f -1)))
(> maxdepth 0))
;; recurse only if necessary
(setq files-list (append files-list (directory-files-recursive f match (- maxdepth -1) ignore)))
(setq files-list (cons f files-list))
(setq current-directory-list (cdr current-directory-list))
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
;;; init.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; This file controls what Doom modules are enabled and what order they load
;; in. Remember to run 'doom sync' after modifying it!
;; NOTE Press 'SPC h d h' (or 'C-h d h' for non-vim users) to access Doom's
;; documentation. There you'll find a "Module Index" link where you'll find
;; a comprehensive list of Doom's modules and what flags they support.
;; NOTE Move your cursor over a module's name (or its flags) and press 'K' (or
;; 'C-c c k' for non-vim users) to view its documentation. This works on
;; flags as well (those symbols that start with a plus).
;; Alternatively, press 'gd' (or 'C-c c d') on a module to browse its
;; directory (for easy access to its source code).
;;; Code:
(doom! :completion
company ; the ultimate code completion backend
(vertico +icons) ; the search engine of the future
doom ; what makes DOOM look the way it does
doom-dashboard ; a nifty splash screen for Emacs
doom-quit ; DOOM quit-message prompts when you quit Emacs
;; (emoji +github) ; 🙂
indent-guides ; highlighted indent columns
ligatures ; ligatures and symbols to make your code pretty again
modeline ; snazzy, Atom-inspired modeline, plus API
(popup +defaults) ; tame sudden yet inevitable temporary windows
treemacs ; a project drawer, like neotree but cooler
;; unicode ; extended unicode support for various languages
vc-gutter ; vcs diff in the fringe
window-select ; visually switch windows
workspaces ; tab emulation, persistence & separate workspaces
zen ; distraction-free coding or writing
;; (evil +everywhere) ; come to the dark side, we have cookies
file-templates ; auto-snippets for empty files
fold ; (nigh) universal code folding
(format +onsave) ; automated prettiness
snippets ; my elves. They type so I don't have to
word-wrap ; soft wrapping with language-aware indent
(dired +icons) ; making dired pretty [functional]
electric ; smarter, keyword-based electric-indent
(ibuffer +icons) ; interactive buffer management
undo ; persistent, smarter undo for your inevitable mistakes
vc ; version-control and Emacs, sitting in a tree
eshell ; the elisp shell that works everywhere
vterm ; the best terminal emulation in Emacs
syntax ; tasing you for every semicolon you forget
(spell +flyspell) ; tasing you for misspelling mispelling
grammar ; tasing grammar mistake every you make
biblio ; Writes a PhD for you (citation needed)
(docker +lsp)
(eval +overlay) ; run code, run (also, repls)
(lookup +dictionary +offline) ; navigate your code and its documentation
(lsp +eglot) ; M-x vscode
magit ; a git porcelain for Emacs
make ; run make tasks from Emacs
(pass +auth) ; password manager for nerds
pdf ; pdf enhancements
tree-sitter ; Better syntax highlighting
upload ; map local to remote projects via ssh/ftp
(:if IS-MAC macos) ; improve compatibility with macOS
tty ; improve the terminal Emacs experience
;; agda ; types of types of types of types...
;; beancount ; mind the GAAP
;; cc ; C > C++ == 1
;; clojure ; java with a lisp
;; common-lisp ; if you've seen one lisp, you've seen them all
;; coq ; proofs-as-programs
;; crystal ; ruby at the speed of c
;; csharp ; unity, .NET, and mono shenanigans
data ; config/data formats
;; (dart +flutter) ; paint ui and not much else
;; dhall
;; elixir ; erlang done right
;; elm ; care for a cup of TEA?
emacs-lisp ; drown in parentheses
;; erlang ; an elegant language for a more civilized age
;; ess ; emacs speaks statistics
;; factor
;; faust ; dsp, but you get to keep your soul
(fortran +lsp) ; in FORTRAN, GOD is REAL (unless declared INTEGER)
;; fsharp ; ML stands for Microsoft's Language
;; fstar ; (dependent) types and (monadic) effects and Z3
;; gdscript ; the language you waited for
;; (go +lsp) ; the hipster dialect
;; (haskell +lsp) ; a language that's lazier than I am
;; hy ; readability of scheme w/ speed of python
;; idris ; a language you can depend on
;; json ; At least it ain't XML
;; (java +meghanada) ; the poster child for carpal tunnel syndrome
;; javascript ; all(hope(abandon(ye(who(enter(here))))))
;; julia ; a better, faster MATLAB
;; kotlin ; a better, slicker Java(Script)
(latex +lsp) ; writing papers in Emacs has never been so fun
;; lean ; for folks with too much to prove
;; ledger ; be audit you can be
(lua +lsp +tree-sitter) ; one-based indices? one-based indices
markdown ; writing docs for people to ignore
;; nim ; python + lisp at the speed of c
(nix +lsp +tree-sitter) ; I hereby declare "nix geht mehr!"
;; ocaml ; an objective camel
(org +roam2 +noter +pretty +present +pandoc) ; organize your plain life in plain text
;; php ; perl's insecure younger brother
;; plantuml ; diagrams for confusing people more
;; purescript ; javascript, but functional
(python +lsp +tree-sitter +pyright +cython) ; beautiful is better than ugly
;; qt ; the 'cutest' gui framework ever
;; racket ; a DSL for DSLs
;; raku ; the artist formerly known as perl6
;; rest ; Emacs as a REST client
;; rst ; ReST in peace
;; (ruby +rails) ; 1.step {|i| p "Ruby is #{i.even? ? 'love' : 'life'}"}
(rust +lsp +tree-sitter) ; Fe2O3.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap().unwrap()
;; scala ; java, but good
;; (scheme +guile) ; a fully conniving family of lisps
(sh +lsp +tree-sitter) ; she sells {ba,z,fi}sh shells on the C xor
;; sml
;; solidity ; do you need a blockchain? No.
;; swift ; who asked for emoji variables?
;; terra ; Earth and Moon in alignment for performance.
(web +lsp +tree-sitter) ; the tubes
(yaml +lsp +tree-sitter) ; JSON, but readable
;; zig ; C, but simpler
(mu4e +org +gmail)
(rss +org)
;; irc ; how neckbeards socialize
(default +bindings +smartparens))
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; $DOOMDIR/packages.el
(package! pdf-tools
:built-in 'prefer)
(package! pocket-reader)
(package! elfeed-tube)
(package! mpv)
(package! ntfy
:recipe (:host sourcehut :repo "shom/ntfy"))
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
;;; init.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Initial phase.
;; Load the custom file if it exists. Among other settings, this will
;; have the list `package-selected-packages', so we need to load that
;; before adding more packages. The value of the `custom-file'
;; variable must be set appropriately, by default the value is nil.
;; This can be done here, or in the early-init.el file.
(setq custom-file (locate-user-emacs-file "custom.el"))
(when (and custom-file (file-exists-p custom-file))
(load custom-file nil 'nomessage))
;; Setup package-archives and priorities
(when (require 'package nil :noerror)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("stable" . ""))
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . ""))
(setq package-archive-priorities '(("gnu" . 99)
("nongnu" . 80)
("stable" . 70)
("melpa" . 0))))
;; Add custom modules to the `load-path'
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "modules" user-emacs-directory))
;; Adds crafted-emacs modules to the `load-path'
(setq crafted-emacs-home (expand-file-name "crafted-emacs" user-emacs-directory))
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "modules" crafted-emacs-home))
;;; Configuration phase
(setq user-full-name "Evie Litherland-Smith"
user-mail-address "")
;; Set default coding system (especially for Windows)
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
(require 'custom-defaults-config)
(pcase system-type ('gnu/linux (require 'custom-ui-config)))
(require 'custom-email-config)
(require 'custom-feed-config)
(require 'custom-ide-config)
(require 'custom-ligatures-config)
(require 'custom-media-config)
(require 'custom-org-config)
(require 'custom-project-config)
(require 'custom-social-config)
(require 'crafted-completion-config)
(require 'crafted-ide-config)
(require 'crafted-org-config)
(require 'crafted-workspaces-config)
(require 'crafted-writing-config)
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
;;; custom-defaults-config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Code:
(setq load-prefer-newer t
indent-tabs-mode nil
global-auto-revert-non-file-buffers t
dired-auto-revert-buffer t
dired-dwim-target t
tab-always-indent 'complete
completion-cycle-threshold 3
completions-detailed t
xref-show-definitions-function #'xref-show-definitions-completing-read
kill-do-not-save-duplicates t
auto-window-vscroll nil
fast-but-imprecise-scrolling t
scroll-conservatively 101
scroll-margin 0
scroll-preserve-screen-position 1)
(global-auto-revert-mode +1)
;; Misc useful keymaps
(keymap-global-set "M-#" #'dictionary-lookup-definition)
(keymap-global-set "C-c r" #'recentf)
(keymap-global-set "C-c b" #'ibuffer)
(keymap-global-set "C-c p l" #'list-packages)
(keymap-global-set "C-c p r" #'package-refresh-contents)
(keymap-global-set "C-c p i" #'package-install)
(keymap-global-set "C-c p d" #'package-delete)
;; turn on spell checking, if available.
(when (and (require 'ispell nil :noerror) (executable-find ispell-program-name))
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'flyspell-mode)
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'flyspell-prog-mode))
;; Make shebang (#!) file executable when saved
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'executable-make-buffer-file-executable-if-script-p)
(provide 'custom-defaults-config)
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
(setq sendmail-program (executable-find "msmtp")
send-mail-function #'smtpmail-send-it
message-sendmail-f-is-evil t
message-sendmail-extra-arguments '("--read-envelope-from")
message-send-mail-function #'message-send-mail-with-sendmail
message-kill-buffer-on-exit t
mail-user-agent 'mu4e-user-agent
read-mail-command 'mu4e
mu4e-maildir "~/Mail"
mu4e-attachment-dir "~/Downloads"
mu4e-get-mail-command "mbsync -a"
mu4e-update-interval (* 5 60) ; Every 5 minutes
mu4e-sent-messages-behavior 'sent
mu4e-change-filenames-when-moving t
mu4e-context-policy 'pick-first
mu4e-headers-fields '((:human-date . 12)
(:flags . 6)
(:from-or-to . 25)
mu4e-headers-actions '(("org capture message" . mu4e-org-store-and-capture)
("capture message" . mu4e-action-capture-message)
("show this thread" . mu4e-action-show-thread))
mu4e-maildir-shortcuts '((:maildir "/Proton/Inbox/" :key ?p)
(:maildir "/iCloud/Inbox/" :key ?i)
(:maildir "/Outlook/Inbox/" :key ?w)))
(when (require 'mu4e nil :noerror)
(keymap-global-set "C-c m m" #'mu4e)
(keymap-global-set "C-c m u" #'mu4e-update-index)
(keymap-global-set "C-c m c" #'mu4e-compose-new)
(when (require 'mu4e-alert nil :noerror)
(mu4e-alert-set-default-style 'libnotify)
(setq mu4e-contexts (list
:name "Xenia"
:vars '((user-mail-address . "")
(mu4e-sent-folder . "/Proton/Sent")
(mu4e-drafts-folder . "/Proton/Drafts")
(mu4e-trash-folder . "/Proton/Trash")
(mu4e-refile-folder . "/Proton/Archive")))
:name "Proton"
:match-func (lambda (msg) (when msg (string-prefix-p "/Proton" (mu4e-message-field msg :maildir))))
:vars '((user-mail-address . "")
(mu4e-sent-folder . "/Proton/Sent")
(mu4e-drafts-folder . "/Proton/Drafts")
(mu4e-trash-folder . "/Proton/Trash")
(mu4e-refile-folder . "/Proton/Archive")))
:name "iCloud"
:match-func (lambda (msg) (when msg (string-prefix-p "/iCloud" (mu4e-message-field msg :maildir))))
:vars '((user-mail-address . "")
(mu4e-sent-folder . "/iCloud/Sent Messages")
(mu4e-drafts-folder . "/iCloud/Drafts")
(mu4e-trash-folder . "/iCloud/Deleted Messages")
(mu4e-refile-folder . "/iCloud/Archive")))
:name "Work"
:match-func (lambda (msg) (when msg (string-prefix-p "/Outlook" (mu4e-message-field msg :maildir))))
:vars '((user-mail-address . "")
(mu4e-sent-folder . "/Outlook/Sent")
(mu4e-drafts-folder . "/Outlook/Drafts")
(mu4e-trash-folder . "/Outlook/Trash")
(mu4e-refile-folder . "/Outlook/Archive"))))))
(provide 'custom-email-config)
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
(let ((elfeed-base-directory "~/.elfeed"))
(setq elfeed-db-directory (expand-file-name "db" elfeed-base-directory)
elfeed-enclosure-default-dir (expand-file-name "enclosures" elfeed-base-directory)
rmh-elfeed-org-files (list (expand-file-name "" elfeed-base-directory))))
(when (require 'elfeed nil :noerror)
(keymap-global-set "C-c f f" #'elfeed)
(add-hook 'elfeed-search-mode-hook #'elfeed-update)
(when (require 'elfeed-org nil :noerror)
(when (require 'elfeed-tube nil :noerror)
(provide 'custom-feed-config)
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
(when (require 'rainbow-delimiters nil :noerror)
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'rainbow-delimiters-mode))
(when (require 'treesit-aut nil :noerror)
(global-treesit-auto-mode +1))
(setq apheleia-remote-algorithm 'local)
(when (require 'apheleia nil :noerror)
(keymap-global-set "C-c c f" #'apheleia-format-buffer)
(apheleia-global-mode +1))
(when (require 'eglot nil :noerror)
(setq direnv-always-show-summary nil)
(when (require 'direnv nil :noerror)
(direnv-mode +1))
(when (require 'yasnippet nil :noerror)
(require 'yasnippet-snippets nil :noerror)
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'yas-minor-mode))
(provide 'custom-ide-config)
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
(defun fira-code-mode--make-alist (list)
"Generate prettify-symbols alist from LIST."
(let ((idx -1))
(lambda (s)
(setq idx (1+ idx))
(let* ((code (+ #Xe100 idx))
(width (string-width s))
(prefix ())
(suffix '(?\s (Br . Br)))
(n 1))
(while (< n width)
(setq prefix (append prefix '(?\s (Br . Bl))))
(setq n (1+ n)))
(cons s (append prefix suffix (list (decode-char 'ucs code))))))
(defconst fira-code-mode--ligatures
'("www" "**" "***" "**/" "*>" "*/" "\\\\" "\\\\\\"
"{-" "[]" "::" ":::" ":=" "!!" "!=" "!==" "-}"
"--" "---" "-->" "->" "->>" "-<" "-<<" "-~"
"#{" "#[" "##" "###" "####" "#(" "#?" "#_" "#_("
".-" ".=" ".." "..<" "..." "?=" "??" ";;" "/*"
"/**" "/=" "/==" "/>" "//" "///" "&&" "||" "||="
"|=" "|>" "^=" "$>" "++" "+++" "+>" "=:=" "=="
"===" "==>" "=>" "=>>" "<=" "=<<" "=/=" ">-" ">="
">=>" ">>" ">>-" ">>=" ">>>" "<*" "<*>" "<|" "<|>"
"<$" "<$>" "<!--" "<-" "<--" "<->" "<+" "<+>" "<="
"<==" "<=>" "<=<" "<>" "<<" "<<-" "<<=" "<<<" "<~"
"<~~" "</" "</>" "~@" "~-" "~=" "~>" "~~" "~~>" "%%"
"x" ":" "+" "+" "*"))
(defvar fira-code-mode--old-prettify-alist)
(defun fira-code-mode--enable ()
"Enable Fira Code ligatures in current buffer."
(setq-local fira-code-mode--old-prettify-alist prettify-symbols-alist)
(setq-local prettify-symbols-alist (append (fira-code-mode--make-alist fira-code-mode--ligatures) fira-code-mode--old-prettify-alist))
(prettify-symbols-mode t))
(defun fira-code-mode--disable ()
"Disable Fira Code ligatures in current buffer."
(setq-local prettify-symbols-alist fira-code-mode--old-prettify-alist)
(prettify-symbols-mode -1))
(define-minor-mode fira-code-mode
"Fira Code ligatures minor mode"
:lighter " Fira Code"
(setq-local prettify-symbols-unprettify-at-point 'right-edge)
(if fira-code-mode
(defun fira-code-mode--setup ()
"Setup Fira Code Symbols"
(set-fontset-font t '(#Xe100 . #Xe16f) "Fira Code Symbol"))
(provide 'custom-ligatures-config)
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
(when (require 'emms-setup nil :noerror)
(setq emms-player-list '(emms-player-mpv)
emms-info-functions '(emms-info-native)
emms-source-file-default-directory "~/Music"
emms-lyrics-dir "~/Music/lyrics"
emms-mode-line-icon-color "white")
(add-hook 'emms-player-started-hook #'emms-show)
(add-hook 'emms-player-paused-hook #'emms-show)
(when (require 'hydra nil :noerror)
(defhydra emms (global-map "C-c e")
("b" emms-smart-browse)
("d" emms-show)
("s" emms-start)
("S" emms-stop)
("n" emms-next)
("p" emms-previous)
("P" emms-pause))))
(provide 'custom-media-config)
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
(setq org-directory "~/Org"
org-pretty-entities t
org-pretty-entities-include-sub-superscripts t
org-tags-column 0
org-modern-tag nil
org-agenda-files '("~/Org/" "~/Org/journal/" "~/Org/projects/")
org-agenda-sticky t
org-agenda-window-setup 'current-window
org-agenda-prefix-format '((agenda . " %-12:c%?-12t% s")
(todo . " %-12:c")
(tags . " %-12:c")
(search . " %-12:c"))
org-journal-dir (expand-file-name "journal" org-directory)
org-journal-file-type 'monthly
org-journal-file-format ""
org-refile-use-outline-path t
org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes t
org-refile-use-outline-path 'file
org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 3)
(org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 3))
org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil
org-default-notes-file (expand-file-name "" org-directory))
(keymap-global-set "C-c o a" #'org-agenda)
(keymap-global-set "C-c o n" #'org-capture)
(keymap-global-set "C-c o l" #'org-capture-goto-last-stored)
(keymap-global-set "C-c o j j" #'org-journal-new-entry)
(keymap-global-set "C-c o j n" #'org-journal-new-date-entry)
(keymap-global-set "C-c o j s" #'org-journal-new-scheduled-entry)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org-modern-mode)
(add-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook #'org-modern-agenda)
(setq org-capture-templates
'(("n" "Note" entry
(file+headline "" "Note")
"* %?"
:prepend t
:empty-lines 1)
("t" "Task" entry
(file+headline "" "Task")
"* TODO %?"
:prepend t
:empty-lines 1)
(setq citar-bibliography '("~/.references/main.bib")
citar-library-paths '("~/.references/library")
citar-notes-paths '("~/.references/notes")
citar-symbols '((file "F" . "")
(note "N" . "")
(link "L" . "")))
(when (require 'citar nil :noerror)
(keymap-global-set "C-c o c o" #'citar-open)
(keymap-global-set "C-c o c a" #'citar-add-file-to-library))
(setq khalel-import-org-file (expand-file-name "" org-directory)
khalel-import-org-file-read-only nil
khalel-import-org-file-confirm-overwrite nil
khalel-import-start-date "-30d"
khalel-import-end-date "+30d")
(when (require 'khalel nil :noerror)
(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook #'khalel-import-events)
(khalel-add-capture-template "e"))
(provide 'custom-org-config)
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
(setq project-switch-use-entire-map t
'((project-dired "Browse directory")
(project-find-file "Find file")
(project-find-regexp "Find regexp")
(project-find-dir "Find directory")
(project-eshell "Eshell")))
(setq magit-clone-default-directory "~/Projects/")
(require 'magit nil :noerror)
(provide 'custom-project-config)
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
(setq mastodon-instance-url ""
mastodon-active-user "Tux922")
(require 'mastodon nil :noerror)
(provide 'custom-social-config)
@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
;;; custom-ui-config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2023
;; SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
;; Author: System Crafters Community
;;; Code:
(setq use-dialog-box nil
fill-column 80
truncate-lines nil
truncate-partial-width-windows nil)
(menu-bar-mode -1)
(tab-bar-mode -1)
(tool-bar-mode -1)
(scroll-bar-mode -1)
(global-display-line-numbers-mode -1)
(global-prettify-symbols-mode +1)
(global-visual-line-mode +1)
;; (set-frame-font "FiraCode Nerd Font-12")
;; (set-frame-parameter nil 'alpha-background 80)
;; Nerd-Icons modes
(when (require 'nerd-icons)
(nerd-icons-set-font "Symbols Nerd Font Mono")
(when (require 'nerd-icons-dired nil :noerror)
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook #'nerd-icons-dired-mode))
(when (require 'nerd-icons-ibuffer nil :noerror)
(add-hook 'ibuffer-mode-hook #'nerd-icons-ibuffer-mode))
(when (require 'nerd-icons-completion nil :noerror)
(when (require 'marginalia nil :noerror)
(add-hook 'marginalia-mode-hook #'nerd-icons-completion-marginalia-setup))))
;; Doom-Modeline
(setq doom-modeline-icon t
doom-modeline-mu4e nil ;; Use mu4e own formatting
doom-modeline-modal nil
doom-modeline-modal-icon nil
doom-modeline-persp-name nil
doom-modeline-persp-icon nil)
(when (require 'doom-modeline nil :noerror)
(doom-modeline-mode +1))
(setq mu4e-use-fancy-chars t
mu4e-headers-thread-single-orphan-prefix '("─>" . "─▶")
mu4e-headers-thread-orphan-prefix '("┬>" . "┬▶")
mu4e-headers-thread-connection-prefix '("│ " . "│ ")
mu4e-headers-thread-first-child-prefix '("├>" . "├▶")
mu4e-headers-thread-child-prefix '("├>" . "├▶")
mu4e-headers-thread-last-child-prefix '("└>" . "╰▶")
mu4e-modeline-all-read '("R:" . ":")
mu4e-modeline-all-clear '("C:" . ":")
mu4e-modeline-new-items '("N:" . ":")
mu4e-modeline-unread-items '("U:" . ":")
mu4e-search-full-label '("F" . "")
mu4e-search-hide-label '("H" . "")
mu4e-search-related-label '("R" . "")
mu4e-search-skip-duplicates-label '("D" . "")
mu4e-search-threaded-label'("T" . "")
mu4e-alert-modeline-formatter 'mu4e-alert-default-mode-line-formatter)
;; Dashboard
(setq initial-buffer-choice 'dashboard-open
dashboard-icon-type 'nerd-icons
dashboard-set-heading-icons t
dashboard-set-file-icons t
dashboard-set-navigator t
dashboard-set-init-info t
dashboard-startup-banner 'ascii
dashboard-projects-backend 'project-el
dashboard-projects-switch-function 'project-switch-project
dashboard-projects-show-base t
dashboard-recentf-show-base 'align
dashboard-items '((recents . 5)
(agenda . 15))
dashboard-heading-icons '((recents . "nf-oct-history")
(agenda . "nf-oct-calendar"))
dashboard-banner-ascii (concat " .000000. \n"
" .0. .0. \n"
" .00. .00. \n"
" .000cl. .lc000. \n"
".0 0.\n"
"0. .o0000o. .0\n"
" 00 .0' '0. 00 \n"
" 00 .0 0. 00 \n"
" HHHHH HH \n"))
(when (require 'dashboard nil :noerror)
(keymap-global-set "C-c d" #'dashboard-open)
(add-hook 'dashboard-mode-hook #'khalel-import-events))
;; Extra minor-modes
(when (require 'git-gutter nil :noerror)
(global-git-gutter-mode +1))
(when (require 'which-key nil :noerror)
(which-key-mode +1))
(when (require 'page-break-lines nil :noerror)
(global-page-break-lines-mode +1))
;;;; Help Buffers
;; Make `describe-*' screens more helpful
(when (require 'helpful nil :noerror)
(keymap-set helpful-mode-map "<remap> <revert-buffer>" #'helpful-update)
(keymap-global-set "<remap> <describe-command>" #'helpful-command)
(keymap-global-set "<remap> <describe-function>" #'helpful-callable)
(keymap-global-set "<remap> <describe-key>" #'helpful-key)
(keymap-global-set "<remap> <describe-symbol>" #'helpful-symbol)
(keymap-global-set "<remap> <describe-variable>" #'helpful-variable)
(keymap-global-set "C-h F" #'helpful-function))
;; Bind extra `describe-*' commands
(keymap-global-set "C-h K" #'describe-keymap)
;; add visual pulse when changing focus, like beacon but built-in
;; from from
(defun pulse-line (&rest _)
"Pulse the current line."
(pulse-momentary-highlight-one-line (point)))
(dolist (command '(scroll-up-command
(advice-add command :after #'pulse-line))
(provide 'custom-ui-config)
;;; custom-ui-config.el ends here
Reference in a new issue