Update email instructions

Move todos to ~/Org/projects.org like other projects
This commit is contained in:
Evie Litherland-Smith 2023-10-19 06:26:59 +01:00
parent 2ac8995984
commit 0429a289e5

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@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
#+title: README
* Tasks
** TODO Re-write Hyprland config
Convert from linked text file to proper nix expression (using home-manager)
** TODO Update swaync style to match hyprland/waybar/etc...
* Password store setup
** Transfer GPG key(s)
#+begin_src bash
@ -24,9 +20,9 @@ Docker source: [[https://hub.docker.com/r/shenxn/protonmail-bridge][Docker]] / [
To initialise:
#+begin_src bash
podman kill protonmail-bridge && \
podman run --rm -it -v protonmail:/root shenxn/protonmail-bridge init && \
podman kill protonmail-bridge
podman kill protonmail-bridge && podman run --rm -it -v protonmail:/root shenxn/protonmail-bridge init
# Restart so that service picks up available ports
podman kill protonmail-bridge
and follow normal login system for cli.
systemd unit handles running container on boot after this.
@ -55,9 +51,9 @@ On first run (or if token expires), stop systemd service and run manually to com
# Restart service to ensure ~/.davmail.properties exists
systemctl --user restart davmail.service
# Run to use manual authentication
pkill davmail && \
davmail -notray ~/.davmail.properties && \
pkill davmail
pkill -f davmail && davmail -notray ~/.davmail.properties
# Restart again so that service picks up available ports
systemctl --user restart davmail.service
* Vdirsyncer
** Password