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---@class luassert.internal
local internal = {}
---@class luassert:luassert.internal
local luassert = {}
--#region Assertions
---Assert that `value == true`.
---@param value any The value to confirm is `true`.
function internal.True(value) end
internal.is_true = internal.True
internal.is_not_true = internal.True
---Assert that `value == false`.
---@param value any The value to confirm is `false`.
function internal.False(value) end
internal.is_false = internal.False
internal.is_not_false = internal.False
---Assert that `type(value) == "boolean"`.
---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `boolean`.
function internal.Boolean(value) end
internal.boolean = internal.Boolean
internal.is_boolean = internal.Boolean
internal.is_not_boolean = internal.Boolean
---Assert that `type(value) == "number"`.
---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `number`.
function internal.Number(value) end
internal.number = internal.Number
internal.is_number = internal.Number
internal.is_not_number = internal.Number
---Assert that `type(value) == "string"`.
---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `string`.
function internal.String(value) end
internal.string = internal.String
internal.is_string = internal.String
internal.is_not_string = internal.String
---Assert that `type(value) == "table"`.
---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `table`.
function internal.Table(value) end
internal.table = internal.Table
internal.is_table = internal.Table
internal.is_not_table = internal.Table
---Assert that `type(value) == "nil"`.
---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `nil`.
function internal.Nil(value) end
internal.is_nil = internal.Nil
internal.is_not_nil = internal.Nil
---Assert that `type(value) == "userdata"`.
---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `userdata`.
function internal.Userdata(value) end
internal.userdata = internal.Userdata
internal.is_userdata = internal.Userdata
internal.is_not_userdata = internal.Userdata
---Assert that `type(value) == "function"`.
---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `function`.
function internal.Function(value) end
internal.is_function = internal.Function
internal.is_not_function = internal.Function
---Assert that `type(value) == "thread"`.
---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `thread`.
function internal.Thread(value) end
internal.thread = internal.Thread
internal.is_thread = internal.Thread
internal.is_not_thread = internal.Thread
---Assert that a value is truthy.
---@param value any The value to confirm is truthy.
function internal.truthy(value) end
internal.Truthy = internal.truthy
internal.is_truthy = internal.truthy
internal.is_not_truthy = internal.truthy
---Assert that a value is falsy.
---@param value any The value to confirm is falsy.
function internal.falsy(value) end
internal.Falsy = internal.falsy
internal.is_falsy = internal.falsy
internal.is_not_falsy = internal.falsy
---Assert that a callback throws an error.
---@param callback function A callback function that should error
---@param error? string The specific error message that will be asserted
function internal.error(callback, error) end
internal.Error = internal.error
internal.has_error = internal.error
internal.no_error = internal.error
internal.no_has_error = internal.error
internal.has_no_error = internal.error
--- the api is the same as string.find
---@param pattern string
---@param actual string
---@param init? integer
---@param plain? boolean
---## Example
it("Checks matches() assertion does string matching", function() assert.matches('.*') end) -- minimum 2 arguments assert.matches(nil, 's') end) -- arg1 must be a string assert.matches('s', {}) end) -- arg2 must be convertable to string assert.matches('s', 's', 's', 's') end) -- arg3 or arg4 must be a number or nil
assert.matches("%w+", "test")
assert.has.match("%w+", "test")
assert.has_no.match("%d+", "derp")
assert.has.match("test", "test", nil, true)
assert.has_no.match("%w+", "test", nil, true)
assert.has.match("^test", "123 test", 5)
assert.has_no.match("%d+", "123 test", '4')
function internal.matches(pattern, actual, init, plain) end
internal.is_matches = internal.matches
internal.is_not_matches = internal.matches
internal.match = internal.matches
internal.is_match = internal.matches
internal.is_not_match = internal.matches
---Assert that two values are near (equal to within a tolerance).
---@param expected number The expected value
---@param actual number The actual value
---@param tolerance number The tolerable difference between the two values
---## Example
it("Checks near() assertion handles tolerances", function() assert.near(0) end) -- minimum 3 arguments assert.near(0, 0) end) -- minimum 3 arguments assert.near('a', 0, 0) end) -- arg1 must be convertable to number assert.near(0, 'a', 0) end) -- arg2 must be convertable to number assert.near(0, 0, 'a') end) -- arg3 must be convertable to number, 2.0, 0.5)'1.5', '2.0', '0.5')
assert.is_not.near(1.5, 2.0, 0.499)
assert.is_not.near('1.5', '2.0', '0.499')
function internal.near(expected, actual, tolerance) end
internal.Near = internal.near
internal.is_near = internal.near
internal.is_not_near = internal.near
---Check that two or more items are equal.
---When comparing tables, a reference check will be used.
---@param expected any The expected value
---@param ... any Values to check the equality of
function internal.equal(expected, ...) end
internal.Equal = internal.equal
internal.are_equal = internal.equal
internal.are_not_equal = internal.equal
---Check that two or more items that are considered the "same".
---When comparing tables, a deep compare will be performed.
---@param expected any The expected value
---@param ... any Values to check
function internal.same(expected, ...) end
internal.Same = internal.same
internal.are_same = internal.same
internal.are_not_same = internal.same
--- Number of return values of function
---@param argument_number integer
---@param func fun()
function internal.returned_arguments(argument_number, func) end
internal.not_returned_arguments = internal.returned_arguments
--- check error message by string.match/string.find(`plain`=true)
---@param func function
---@param pattern string
---@param init? integer
---@param plain? boolean
it("Checks error_matches to accept only callable arguments", function()
local t_ok = setmetatable( {}, { __call = function() end } )
local t_nok = setmetatable( {}, { __call = function() error("some error") end } )
local f_ok = function() end
local f_nok = function() error("some error") end
assert.error_matches(f_nok, ".*")
assert.no_error_matches(f_ok, ".*")
assert.error_matches(t_nok, ".*")
assert.no_error_matches(t_ok, ".*")
function internal.error_matches(func, pattern, init, plain) end
internal.no_error_matches = internal.error_matches
internal.error_match = internal.error_matches
internal.no_error_match = internal.error_matches
internal.matches_error = internal.error_matches
internal.no_matches_error = internal.error_matches
internal.match_error = internal.error_matches
internal.no_match_error = internal.error_matches
--[[ Helpers ]]
---Assert that all numbers in two arrays are within a specified tolerance of
---each other.
---@param expected number[] The expected values
---@param actual number[] The actual values
---@param tolerance number The tolerable difference between the values in the two arrays
function internal.all_near(expected, actual, tolerance) end
internal.are_all_near = internal.all_near
internal.are_not_all_near = internal.all_near
--- array is uniqued
---@param arr any[]
---## Example
---it("Checks to see if table1 only contains unique elements", function()
--- local table2 = { derp = false}
--- local table3 = { derp = true }
--- local table1 = {table2,table3}
--- local tablenotunique = {table2,table2}
--- assert.is_not.unique(tablenotunique)
--- end)
function internal.unique(arr) end
internal.is_unique = internal.unique
internal.is_not_unique = internal.unique
--#region Spies
---Perform an assertion on a spy object. This will allow you to call further
---functions to perform an assertion.
---@param spy luassert.spy The spy object to begin asserting
---@return luassert.spy.assert spyAssert A new object that has further assert function options
function internal.spy(spy) end
---Perform an assertion on a stub object. This will allow you to call further
---functions to perform an assertion.
---@param stub luassert.spy The stub object to begin asserting
---@return luassert.spy.assert stubAssert A new object that has further assert function options
function internal.stub(stub) end
--#region Array
---Perform an assertion on an array object. This will allow you to call further
---function to perform an assertion.
---@param object table<integer, any> The array object to begin asserting
---@return luassert.array arrayAssert A new object that has further assert function options
function internal.array(object) end
--#region test apis
--- register custom assertions
---@param namespace 'assertion' | 'matcher' | 'modifier' | string
---@param name string
---@param callback function
---@param positive_message string
---@param negative_message string
---## Example
it("Checks register creates custom assertions", function()
local say = require("say")
local function has_property(state, arguments)
local property = arguments[1]
local table = arguments[2]
for key, value in pairs(table) do
if key == property then
return true
return false
say:set("assertion.has_property.positive", "Expected property %s in:\n%s")
say:set("assertion.has_property.negative", "Expected property %s to not be in:\n%s")
assert:register("assertion", "has_property", has_property, "assertion.has_property.positive", "assertion.has_property.negative")
assert.has_property("name", { name = "jack" })"name", { name = "jack" })
assert.not_has_property("surname", { name = "jack" })"surname", { name = "jack" })
assert.has_error(function() assert.has_property("surname", { name = "jack" }) end)
assert.has_error(function()"surname", { name = "jack" }) end)
assert.has_error(function() assert.no_has_property("name", { name = "jack" }) end)
assert.has_error(function()"name", { name = "jack" }) end)
function luassert:register(namespace, name, callback, positive_message, negative_message) end
### Customized formatters
The formatters are functions taking a single argument that needs to be converted to a string representation. The formatter should examine the value provided, if it can format the value, it should return the formatted string, otherwise it should return `nil`.
Formatters can be added through `assert:add_formatter(formatter_func)`, and removed by calling `assert:remove_formatter(formatter_func)`.
Example using the included binary string formatter:
local binstring = require("luassert.formatters.binarystring")
describe("Tests using a binary string formatter", function()
it("tests a string comparison with binary formatting", function()
local s1, s2 = "", ""
for n = 65,88 do
s1 = s1 .. string.char(n)
s2 = string.char(n) .. s2
assert.are.same(s1, s2)
Because this formatter formats string values, and is added last, it will take precedence over the regular string formatter. The results will be:
Failure: projects\busted\formatter\spec\formatter_spec.lua @ 13
tests a string comparison with binary formatting projects\busted\formatter\spec\formatter_spec.lua:19: Expected objects to be the same. Passed in:
Binary string length; 24 bytes
58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 4f 4e 4d 4c 4b 4a 49 XWVUTSRQ PONMLKJI
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 HGFEDCBA
Binary string length; 24 bytes
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 50 ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 QRSTUVWX
---@param callback fun(obj:any):string|nil
function luassert:add_formatter(callback) end
---@param fmtr function
function luassert:remove_formatter(fmtr) end
--- To register state information 'parameters' can be used. The parameter is included in a snapshot and can hence be restored in between tests. For an example see `Configuring table depth display` below.
---@param name any
---@param value any
---## Example
assert:set_parameter("my_param_name", 1)
local s = assert:snapshot()
assert:set_parameter("my_param_name", 2)
assert.are.equal(1, assert:get_parameter("my_param_name"))
function luassert:set_parameter(name, value) end
--- get current snapshot parameter
---@param name any
---@return any value
function luassert:get_parameter(name) end
---To be able to revert changes created by tests, inserting spies and stubs for example, luassert supports 'snapshots'. A snapshot includes the following;
---@return {revert:fun()}
function luassert:snapshot() end
--- unregister custom assertions
---@param namespace 'assertion' | 'matcher' | 'modifier' | string
---@param name string
function luassert:unregister(namespace, name) end
--#region modifier namespace
internal.are = internal = internal
internal.has = internal
internal.does = internal
internal.is_not = internal
internal.are_not = internal
internal.has_no = internal
internal.no_has = internal
internal.does_not = internal = internal
internal.Not = internal
return luassert