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---@class cc.Physics3DRigidBody :cc.Physics3DObject
local Physics3DRigidBody={ }
---* Set the acceleration.
---@param acceleration vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setGravity (acceleration) end
---* Get friction.
---@return float
function Physics3DRigidBody:getFriction () end
---@overload fun(vec3_table0:float):self
---@overload fun(vec3_table:vec3_table):self
---@param angFac vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setAngularFactor (angFac) end
---@param constraint cc.Physics3DConstraint
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:addConstraint (constraint) end
---* Get the pointer of btRigidBody.
---@return btRigidBody
function Physics3DRigidBody:getRigidBody () end
---* Get total force.
---@return vec3_table
function Physics3DRigidBody:getTotalForce () end
---* Get the total number of constraints.
---@return unsigned_int
function Physics3DRigidBody:getConstraintCount () end
---* Apply a central force.<br>
---* param force the value of the force
---@param force vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:applyCentralForce (force) end
---* Set mass and inertia.
---@param mass float
---@param inertia vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setMassProps (mass,inertia) end
---* Set friction.
---@param frict float
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setFriction (frict) end
---* Set kinematic object.
---@param kinematic boolean
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setKinematic (kinematic) end
---* Set linear damping and angular damping.
---@param lin_damping float
---@param ang_damping float
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setDamping (lin_damping,ang_damping) end
---* Apply a impulse.<br>
---* param impulse the value of the impulse<br>
---* param rel_pos the position of the impulse
---@param impulse vec3_table
---@param rel_pos vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:applyImpulse (impulse,rel_pos) end
---* Check rigid body is kinematic object.
---@return boolean
function Physics3DRigidBody:isKinematic () end
---* Apply a torque.<br>
---* param torque the value of the torque
---@param torque vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:applyTorque (torque) end
---* Set motion threshold, don't do continuous collision detection if the motion (in one step) is less then ccdMotionThreshold
---@param ccdMotionThreshold float
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setCcdMotionThreshold (ccdMotionThreshold) end
---* Set rolling friction.
---@param frict float
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setRollingFriction (frict) end
---* Get motion threshold.
---@return float
function Physics3DRigidBody:getCcdMotionThreshold () end
---* Get the linear factor.
---@return vec3_table
function Physics3DRigidBody:getLinearFactor () end
---* Damps the velocity, using the given linearDamping and angularDamping.
---@param timeStep float
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:applyDamping (timeStep) end
---* Get the angular velocity.
---@return vec3_table
function Physics3DRigidBody:getAngularVelocity () end
---@param info cc.Physics3DRigidBodyDes
---@return boolean
function Physics3DRigidBody:init (info) end
---* Apply a torque impulse.<br>
---* param torque the value of the torque
---@param torque vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:applyTorqueImpulse (torque) end
---* Active or inactive.
---@param active boolean
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setActive (active) end
---* Set the linear factor.
---@param linearFactor vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setLinearFactor (linearFactor) end
---* Set the linear velocity.
---@param lin_vel vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setLinearVelocity (lin_vel) end
---* Get the linear velocity.
---@return vec3_table
function Physics3DRigidBody:getLinearVelocity () end
---* Set swept sphere radius.
---@param radius float
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setCcdSweptSphereRadius (radius) end
---* Apply a force.<br>
---* param force the value of the force<br>
---* param rel_pos the position of the force
---@param force vec3_table
---@param rel_pos vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:applyForce (force,rel_pos) end
---* Set the angular velocity.
---@param ang_vel vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setAngularVelocity (ang_vel) end
---* Apply a central impulse.<br>
---* param impulse the value of the impulse
---@param impulse vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:applyCentralImpulse (impulse) end
---* Get the acceleration.
---@return vec3_table
function Physics3DRigidBody:getGravity () end
---* Get rolling friction.
---@return float
function Physics3DRigidBody:getRollingFriction () end
---* Set the center of mass.
---@param xform mat4_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setCenterOfMassTransform (xform) end
---* Set the inverse of local inertia.
---@param diagInvInertia vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setInvInertiaDiagLocal (diagInvInertia) end
---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DConstraint0:unsigned_int):self
---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DConstraint:cc.Physics3DConstraint):self
---@param constraint cc.Physics3DConstraint
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:removeConstraint (constraint) end
---* Get total torque.
---@return vec3_table
function Physics3DRigidBody:getTotalTorque () end
---* Get inverse of mass.
---@return float
function Physics3DRigidBody:getInvMass () end
---* Get constraint by index.
---@param idx unsigned_int
---@return cc.Physics3DConstraint
function Physics3DRigidBody:getConstraint (idx) end
---* Get restitution.
---@return float
function Physics3DRigidBody:getRestitution () end
---* Get swept sphere radius.
---@return float
function Physics3DRigidBody:getCcdSweptSphereRadius () end
---* Get hit friction.
---@return float
function Physics3DRigidBody:getHitFraction () end
---* Get angular damping.
---@return float
function Physics3DRigidBody:getAngularDamping () end
---* Get the inverse of local inertia.
---@return vec3_table
function Physics3DRigidBody:getInvInertiaDiagLocal () end
---* Get the center of mass.
---@return mat4_table
function Physics3DRigidBody:getCenterOfMassTransform () end
---* Get the angular factor.
---@return vec3_table
function Physics3DRigidBody:getAngularFactor () end
---* Set restitution.
---@param rest float
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setRestitution (rest) end
---* Set hit friction.
---@param hitFraction float
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:setHitFraction (hitFraction) end
---* Get linear damping.
---@return float
function Physics3DRigidBody:getLinearDamping () end
---* override.
---@return mat4_table
function Physics3DRigidBody:getWorldTransform () end
---@return self
function Physics3DRigidBody:Physics3DRigidBody () end