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---@class cc.TargetedAction :cc.ActionInterval
local TargetedAction={ }
---@overload fun():cc.Node
---@overload fun():cc.Node
---@return cc.Node
function TargetedAction:getForcedTarget () end
---* Init an action with the specified action and forced target
---@param target cc.Node
---@param action cc.FiniteTimeAction
---@return boolean
function TargetedAction:initWithTarget (target,action) end
---* Sets the target that the action will be forced to run with.<br>
---* param forcedTarget The target that the action will be forced to run with.
---@param forcedTarget cc.Node
---@return self
function TargetedAction:setForcedTarget (forcedTarget) end
---* Create an action with the specified action and forced target.<br>
---* param target The target needs to override.<br>
---* param action The action needs to override.<br>
---* return An autoreleased TargetedAction object.
---@param target cc.Node
---@param action cc.FiniteTimeAction
---@return self
function TargetedAction:create (target,action) end
---@param target cc.Node
---@return self
function TargetedAction:startWithTarget (target) end
---@return self
function TargetedAction:clone () end
---@return self
function TargetedAction:stop () end
---@return self
function TargetedAction:reverse () end
---* param time In seconds.
---@param time float
---@return self
function TargetedAction:update (time) end
---@return self
function TargetedAction:TargetedAction () end