
68 lines
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local wezterm = require("wezterm")
-- Equivalent to POSIX basename(3)
-- Given "/foo/bar" returns "bar"
-- Given "c:\\foo\\bar" returns "bar"
function basename(s)
return string.gsub(s, "(.*[/\\])(.*)", "%2")
wezterm.on("update-right-status", function(window, pane)
local scheme = wezterm.color.get_builtin_schemes()["Catppuccin Macchiato"]
-- Each element holds the text for a cell in a "powerline" style << fade
local cells = {}
-- Show current active key table
local name = window:active_key_table()
if name then
name = "TABLE: " .. name
table.insert(cells, name)
-- I like my date/time in this style: "Wed Mar 3 08:14"
-- local date = wezterm.strftime("%a %b %-d %H:%M")
local date = wezterm.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
table.insert(cells, date)
local time = wezterm.strftime("%H:%M")
table.insert(cells, time)
-- Get current hostname to track which device I'm on
table.insert(cells, wezterm.hostname())
-- An entry for each battery (typically 0 or 1 battery)
for _, b in ipairs(wezterm.battery_info()) do
table.insert(cells, string.format("%.0f%%", b.state_of_charge * 100))
-- The powerline ( symbol
local LEFT_SEP = utf8.char(0xe0b7)
-- The filled in variant of the ( symbol
local SOLID_LEFT_SEP = utf8.char(0xe0b6)
-- Define various colours used from active colourscheme
local tab_bar_bg = "#333333" -- Not defined in scheme for some reason...
local tab_bg = scheme.foreground
local tab_fg = scheme.background
-- The elements to be formatted
local elements = {}
table.insert(elements, { Foreground = { Color = tab_bg } })
table.insert(elements, { Background = { Color = tab_bar_bg } })
table.insert(elements, { Text = SOLID_LEFT_SEP })
while #cells > 1 do
local text = table.remove(cells, 1)
table.insert(elements, { Foreground = { Color = tab_fg } })
table.insert(elements, { Background = { Color = tab_bg } })
table.insert(elements, { Text = " " .. text .. " " })
table.insert(elements, { Foreground = { Color = tab_fg } })
table.insert(elements, { Text = LEFT_SEP })
local text = table.remove(cells, 1)
table.insert(elements, { Foreground = { Color = tab_fg } })
table.insert(elements, { Background = { Color = tab_bg } })
table.insert(elements, { Text = " " .. text .. " " })