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---Manages events, like keypresses.
---@class love.event
love.event = {}
---Clears the event queue.
function love.event.clear() end
---Returns an iterator for messages in the event queue.
---@return function i # Iterator function usable in a for loop.
function love.event.poll() end
---Pump events into the event queue.
---This is a low-level function, and is usually not called by the user, but by love.run.
---Note that this does need to be called for any OS to think you're still running,
---and if you want to handle OS-generated events at all (think callbacks).
function love.event.pump() end
---Adds an event to the event queue.
---From 0.10.0 onwards, you may pass an arbitrary amount of arguments with this function, though the default callbacks don't ever use more than six.
---@param n love.Event # The name of the event.
---@param a? any # First event argument.
---@param b? any # Second event argument.
---@param c? any # Third event argument.
---@param d? any # Fourth event argument.
---@param e? any # Fifth event argument.
---@param f? any # Sixth event argument.
---@vararg any # Further event arguments may follow.
function love.event.push(n, a, b, c, d, e, f, ...) end
---Adds the quit event to the queue.
---The quit event is a signal for the event handler to close LÖVE. It's possible to abort the exit process with the love.quit callback.
---@overload fun('restart': string|'restart')
---@param exitstatus? number # The program exit status to use when closing the application.
function love.event.quit(exitstatus) end
---Like love.event.poll(), but blocks until there is an event in the queue.
---@return love.Event n # The name of event.
---@return any a # First event argument.
---@return any b # Second event argument.
---@return any c # Third event argument.
---@return any d # Fourth event argument.
---@return any e # Fifth event argument.
---@return any f # Sixth event argument.
function love.event.wait() end
---Arguments to love.event.push() and the like.
---Since 0.8.0, event names are no longer abbreviated.
---@alias love.Event
---Window focus gained or lost
---| "focus"
---Joystick pressed
---| "joystickpressed"
---Joystick released
---| "joystickreleased"
---Key pressed
---| "keypressed"
---Key released
---| "keyreleased"
---Mouse pressed
---| "mousepressed"
---Mouse released
---| "mousereleased"
---| "quit"
---Window size changed by the user
---| "resize"
---Window is minimized or un-minimized by the user
---| "visible"
---Window mouse focus gained or lost
---| "mousefocus"
---A Lua error has occurred in a thread
---| "threaderror"
---Joystick connected
---| "joystickadded"
---Joystick disconnected
---| "joystickremoved"
---Joystick axis motion
---| "joystickaxis"
---Joystick hat pressed
---| "joystickhat"
---Joystick's virtual gamepad button pressed
---| "gamepadpressed"
---Joystick's virtual gamepad button released
---| "gamepadreleased"
---Joystick's virtual gamepad axis moved
---| "gamepadaxis"
---User entered text
---| "textinput"
---Mouse position changed
---| "mousemoved"
---Running out of memory on mobile devices system
---| "lowmemory"
---Candidate text for an IME changed
---| "textedited"
---Mouse wheel moved
---| "wheelmoved"
---Touch screen touched
---| "touchpressed"
---Touch screen stop touching
---| "touchreleased"
---Touch press moved inside touch screen
---| "touchmoved"
---Directory is dragged and dropped onto the window
---| "directorydropped"
---File is dragged and dropped onto the window.
---| "filedropped"
---Joystick pressed
---| "jp"
---Joystick released
---| "jr"
---Key pressed
---| "kp"
---Key released
---| "kr"
---Mouse pressed
---| "mp"
---Mouse released
---| "mr"
---| "q"
---Window focus gained or lost
---| "f"